@Bmd2k1, expanding on @Gilmango's post, yeast use oxygen for reproduction. Yeast reproduce slower in an oxygen deprived environment, which is why it's better to ferment in an open container.
Fermentation, yeast eating sugar and emitting CO2 and alcohol, is anaerobic. Yeast does not need oxygen to eat. Folks talk about aerobic and anaerobic fermentation when they are actually referring to fermentation in an open container vs. in a close container.
New winemakers typically don't expect biology and chemistry lessons when deciding to make wine ...
Fermentation, yeast eating sugar and emitting CO2 and alcohol, is anaerobic. Yeast does not need oxygen to eat. Folks talk about aerobic and anaerobic fermentation when they are actually referring to fermentation in an open container vs. in a close container.
New winemakers typically don't expect biology and chemistry lessons when deciding to make wine ...