Last night, Hubby and I did some taste testing of the FWK strawberry I made last fall with both sweetener packs. We both agree it is very good but it could be sweeter. We also both enjoy the version with added chocolate extract even better than the original!
I finally started my FWK Kiwi that’s been in the fridge for a month. I debated using the carbon but decided to go for it. I will be starting the FWK Strawberry I got at the same time as the kiwi, as soon as my other 7.9 gallon fermenter is empty, hopefully mid-week. (I started a 3 gallon RJS Cru Toasted Caramel dessert wine right before I went on vacation and it should be ready to rack to a carboy in the next few days.)
The kiwi concentrate was VERY thick. I had to rinse the bag with water twice to get it all out. Smells very fruity and delicious! Of course, with the carbon, it just looks black at the moment. The 2 kits came with different instruction books - one was for Frutta kits and the other instruction booklet was for Tavola white and rose’ kits. I got them mixed up so I’m not sure which instruction book was for which kit, but both kits came with carbon and only the Tavola white/rose’ instruction booklet had the details on how to use the carbon and bentonite.
One kit came with D47 and the other with KV-1116. Since I was very happy with the previous FWK strawberry kit, which used D47, I decided to stick with that and use the KV-1116 for the kiwi.
After our taste testing last night, and since I still have some strawberry bottles from last fall, I decided for the strawberry, after fermentation I will split it into 5 gallons with chocolate extract and 1 gallon without. And I plan to sweeten it a bit more, depending upon our taste testing when it comes time to backsweeten.