First time grapevine grafting experiment

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Oct 9, 2013
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San Jose, California
Yea! Success. I tried to order more Zin grafted on SO4 from Novavine this year but they were out. It seems that the Covid-19 supply chain issues still exist. So, I had to make my own vines. I bought an omega grafter from Amazon and used cuttings from my existing Zinfandel. I was able to get SO4 bare root from Novavine without a problem. Well, they asked me twice if I was certain I only wanted SO4, LOL. As it turns out about 25% of the vines I received were from failed grafts of other varieties. That's recycling. So far the scions look like they are healing and buds are pushing on most of the vines. This is from grafting only 3 weeks ago.

I've been tempted to order some rootstock vines from Double A to do my own grafting from cuttings. I mostly want to do it just for the sake of doing it and possibly to sell some grafted vines locally.
The vines struggled a little after I took them out of their warm, moist environment. I am beginning to see new green buds on the planted vines.

Notice that I dipped the grafts in parafin. I noticed the buds dried out quickly when exposed to dry air. Next time I will dip the graft at the beginning. I began to doubt that the grafts were alive but they are all slowing growing now.
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The grafted vines are growing better than I hoped for. This is the easiest plant I have ever grafted. The vines are holding up in this heat. I was concerned.


The grafting has 75% success. I think I can do even better. I learned a few things during the process.


One graft did not take but I have an SO4 vine growing that I can use for the future plantings.
They look amazing mate, I’ve been tossing up whether or not to give this a go, mostly just to learn how to do it, and a little as I like my Sangiovese clone. 75% take seems like a win for the good guys.