freezing timeframe query

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Jun 23, 2012
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Has anyone tried freezing fruit for just a couple days versus weeks? Was there a noticable difference?

Seems like once fruit is comlpetely frozen what's done is done, but that's from an inexperienced view.

Thanks all,
Ralph Ed
I've made wine with grape juice that had been frozen for over three years and didn't notice any negative effects. There may be a little freezer burn depending on how much air it is exposed to.
I was actually wondering if it needed to be frozen for the long.

I like to cook and I live alone. I know all about freezer burn.

What a lot of people do not understand is, freezing does not stop the decomposing of the product. Meats and fruits can still rot if left in the freezer too long. Yes you can leave them in for a HUGE amount of time but do not be fooled into thinking that they are fine even if they are left for two years, you better check once defrosted. If the grapes are frozen, yes you can take them out immediately but if you let them in for a couple of weeks they are more broken down then when they are initially frozen.

New Iberia! I been there. I was working in Gonzales and hopped over to New Iberia and McIlhenny Island. I was able to buy some extra pepper plants and bring them home. I wish I could have done that this year, 'cause I got home early enough to plant them up here (and the weather's been perfect for them).