Fruit recipe BOOK

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Senior Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Just thought to tell you all about a book I have and use. It's called Winemakers Recipe Handbook It's in a phampflet form and only has 34 pages. The book cover is purple. So look for this on at your local HB store. Its only $5 and has 100 all fresh fruit / grape recipies.
Yep a good primer. It was my Bible before I found all you guys and dolls.
It's a great recipe book, but thin on technique. The good guy who sold me my copy a bunch of years ago, said that he felt the recipes produced a wine high in alcohol and light in fruit flavour. He recommended decreasing the amount of sugar 20-25% and increasing the amount of fruit 20-25%. But as always you should use your hydrometer to help plan the alcohol level. Remember sugar in the fruit will not be measured initially.

It's still a good "basic" book. Keep in mind it was done in 1976. It don't say anything on backsweetening and f-pac's as well..
great book

It is a great book for wine making. It might be old but i like that it's simpler as compared to some others when it comes to fruit wines.
My local HB shop supplies this book in his 1 gallon starter kits. Great book with lots of recipes. In addition to the usual fruit recipes, there are also recipes for things like onion wine, and making wine using jelly or jam. As a matter of fact, I have a gallon of Smuckers Red Plum Jam wine in the secondary, and will be moving a gallon of Smuckers Seedless Blackberry to the secondary tonight. Both look promising, and quite tasty as well.
Just got home, that's the same book that came with my equipment kit when I started last October. I look at it all the time to get an idea of recipes. It does come in handy for a base recipe.

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