He is right, mud everywhere. There are two schools going on here now, those that are getting moderately worried and those that are already moderately worried. Last week helped a bit but we need consitent teens at night to bring the deep slumber on, we are okay down to about zero so far. A sudden subzero drop could spawn another Christmas eve massacre. I know you got it earlier but when my niece was here for Christmas she was telling me that they had 14 inches of snow up until then where she lives in NJ. We had 1.8 inches. My parents live just north of me toward the Lake and they already had over 60 inches this time last year but, this year I hauled a load of gravel in because of the mud. Never seen anything like it. I am kind of torn, I love winter but wow, how nice is this? No spending two hours at night sitting on the steel seat of the tractor plowing so I can get my car in the driveway!