Mosti Mondiale Headspace in final week before bottling

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Apr 12, 2009
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Gents and ladies,

I'm now within a week or so of bottling my MMM Barolo kit I started back in April - 90 days bulk ageing with 1/4 tsp extra k-meta for safety.

I haven't had to add any extra water or wine to top off since I've started as the kit had plenty even after racking the lees.

Now I'm anywhere from one to three weeks to bottling, depending on how my other batch of chardonney clears. I went ahead a racked the final racking off the lees so that I could have a little additional time to let it settle out any remaining co2 and lees before bottling.


I've got a headspace open now that is about 1/2 way down the full curve of the carboy. (3" down from bung, 8" diameter exposed surface area).

If bottling in one to two weeks, should I
a> do nothing
b> top w water - the kit expects it?
c> top w a semblance of barolo (which would be what kind of $10 wine?)
d> do the marble thingy I've heard about?

Thoughts? and thanks!
One to two weeks will not make 1 lick of difference with that little headspace. Keep a good airlock on it, and it will be fine. Chances that it is still outgassing a little are good after only 3 months aging. That tiny bit of CO2 will protect that headspace just fine.
If you are saying for the last 90 days it stayed in the carboy w 1/4tsp of meta then leave it alone.

If you racked recently add a bottle of something similar.Remember to add another 1/4 tsp when bottling.
The period of time you are talking about is probably not enough to worry about for oxidation of any consequence. If it was going to be 2-3 more months, then I'd get the glass marbles for the situation you've described. I suspect you doubt that topping up with a cheap red wine would be detrimental to your (presumably) exquisite Barolo, and I agree with that. The glass marbles technique gets to be a pain when you have more headspace to fill, as the number of marbles needed gets to be quite substantial.

I've never heard the term "outgassing" before, but I know exactly what that means - it's interesting how you can sometimes recopgnize the meaning of a new bit of jargon without explanation.

I have not racked the kit since adding the k-meta packet 3 months ago and the 1/4 teaspoon of K-meta 30 days ago. I also degassed it with a vacumn pump several months ago.

I'veonly stirred the lees otherwise every 30 days.

Seems like it'll be fine is the general consensus and the sooner I bottle, the better.