Hello from Romania

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Feb 28, 2025
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Hey there! I’ve been studying wine for a bit over a year now, and I think it’s time to try my hand at making some with local Romanian grape varieties. Any tips are welcome!
Welcome! I am very excited to hear about the local varieties. Winemaker Magazine and Wine Enthusiast will highlight certain varieties and what does or doesn’t work for them. Maybe you can extrapolate from there. If you have enough grapes try making a few smaller batches to test different strategies.

Overall, I’d say for the first round, don’t overdo it. Go as natural as possible so that you understand what time/temperature/maceration can do. Don’t worry about additives or achieving a certain level of color or whatever else.

And cleanliness. Read up on sanitation.

Have fun! Looking forward to hearing about your progress.
Welcome to WMT, Robert. Where in Romania (județ, oraș) are you located? What grape varietals do you have acces to? Also, what wine-making equipment do you have?
I currently live in Cluj. I have an old manual wooden press and some glass fermenters. I can get my hands on Feteasca Regala and Feteasca Neagra.

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