wait> breaking bad is about a guy selling drugs for money...right, this is the same people that you want to put in jail in real life, but love watching how he gets there...I dont get it.
Besides, if you have been where he is, and done what he has, you would know, it is nothing like the tv show...Its scary.
I don’t think liking Breaking Bad is generational, as I know plenty of people of different generations who get it.
As the creator has indicated “You take Mr. Chips and turn him into Scarface”
There is more than simply “selling drugs for money”. I enjoyed the journey of the character. And I did not find myself routing for an evil person, just watching it play out.
While watching, I could relate to a degree. When faced with a death sentence of Cancer, knowing that you are underpaid and have a family to care for, how would you ensure their subsistence after you are gone.
But what I liked the most about it, is the main character at no time becomes a stereotypical bad guy or superhero (think Bruce Willis in Die Hard 1, compared to Die Hard5. Not the same every man character), he is as plain as your next door neighbor.
And ever action has a consequence. Not like on SOA where you can butcher people and have an enormous body count in broad daylight and nothing happens. Or the anti-reality of the New Hawaii 5-O where there cops are shooting missile launchers and sub machine guns on the beach.
I, myself found the 1st season a little slow, but it does pick up from there.
But it is also not for everyone.
For those that cant get into BB I am sure “General Hospital” is still on some channel for your viewing pleasure!