House of Cards

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Jeri! 1) YAY! A Whedon Fan!!! Been all about the Whedon since Buffy! 2) The British version, Jeff always made me just die laughing. Unfortunately, it was too short-lived.and 3) Have ya seen the new Archer season 5 episodes? :) 4) Noooope! on the horror movies. I can't rock the scary while touching any form of booze, I get the most horrible of nightmares. Even Walking Dead has spawned some middle-of-the-night screams.. *shiver*
Aaah I haven't seen any of those Asian horror flicks but they sound good! Another series I enjoyed last year was Bates Motel - gripping next season starts in March I think.
We could not hang with "Orange is the New Black." Too much self-centered whining. It ain't us in my household.
Skip Walking Dead the TV show, Go pick up the Trade Paperbacks.
The comic version is 10 times more graphic and much more thrilling.

other shows the boss and myself watch:

Breaking Bad- (probably best show I have ever seen)
The Shield
Game Of Thrones
True Detective
The Good Wife
Fringe (like X-files on really good acid!)
American Horror Story

Bob's Burgers
Rick & Morty
Arrested Development

and yet I still find time for a day job, wife, kids, golf, gardening & wine making!

You are so right. The graphic novels are 1000% better, though I still like the show. The changes to the overall storyline in the tv version have been interesting though.

Piper makes me want to slap the blonde right off her. It was everyone else's stories that made us stick with the show.
From what I understand, the book is even more egocentric.
So sad that breaking bad is over that was awesome! Really want to see true detective love Mathew and Woody bit don't have HBO. What channel is American horror story? What night? Lol
@ Carolyn, Yeah, sucks to have seen it ended, but awesome the way it went out! I mean who puts a remote controlled Gatlin Gun thingie in a trunk! EPIC!!

on Orange is the New Black: Yeah whiney, but for some reason I just couldn't not watch it.

on Walking Dead: I was REALLY hesitant on watching it for a few reasons, didn't have the channel, didn't wanna get sucked into another show, and I'm a scaredy cat in the horror department. However I really wanted to watch it because, everyone's talking about it AND because the creator Robert Kirkman is from my county. Now that I have started watching, I'm like WOW! I can see how this was totally written to be THIS area. It's even more creepy. Our daughter who is 4yo was half-watching (playing in the floor/playing upstairs/etc) it with us until we re-watched the 1st episode. We had to stop because she saw the part with the horse and we immediately stopped the episode. She's a pony FANATIC because of My Little Pony. Anytime she hears someone say "walking Dead" she yells, "Walking Dead is STUPID! They scared the pony!" Now we have to sneak and watch it. It's kinda funny!
Breaking Bad fans generally like Orange is the New Black. It has to be generational. I watched the first 3 episodes of BB - tried really hard to like it - but could not summon the desire to follow a guy who gassed one guy and let another one walk around half-dead as a zombie, suffering the whole time, while he and his pal decided how they were going to finish him off.

I have many younger friends in their 20s and 30s who find such matters cynically hilarious, and that's generational. I just couldn't get into it.
wait> breaking bad is about a guy selling drugs for money...right, this is the same people that you want to put in jail in real life, but love watching how he gets there...I dont get it.
Besides, if you have been where he is, and done what he has, you would know, it is nothing like the tv show...Its scary.
Kinda funny that parents watching the show, are worrying about there kids getting caught up in drugs...go figure.

Again,,,its funny that two of the more popular shows are about illegal drug dealing.
weeds and breaking bad.
wait> breaking bad is about a guy selling drugs for money...right, this is the same people that you want to put in jail in real life, but love watching how he gets there...I dont get it.
Besides, if you have been where he is, and done what he has, you would know, it is nothing like the tv show...Its scary.

I don’t think liking Breaking Bad is generational, as I know plenty of people of different generations who get it.
As the creator has indicated “You take Mr. Chips and turn him into Scarface”

There is more than simply “selling drugs for money”. I enjoyed the journey of the character. And I did not find myself routing for an evil person, just watching it play out.

While watching, I could relate to a degree. When faced with a death sentence of Cancer, knowing that you are underpaid and have a family to care for, how would you ensure their subsistence after you are gone.

But what I liked the most about it, is the main character at no time becomes a stereotypical bad guy or superhero (think Bruce Willis in Die Hard 1, compared to Die Hard5. Not the same every man character), he is as plain as your next door neighbor.
And ever action has a consequence. Not like on SOA where you can butcher people and have an enormous body count in broad daylight and nothing happens. Or the anti-reality of the New Hawaii 5-O where there cops are shooting missile launchers and sub machine guns on the beach.

I, myself found the 1st season a little slow, but it does pick up from there.

But it is also not for everyone.
For those that cant get into BB I am sure “General Hospital” is still on some channel for your viewing pleasure!
I don't know of anyone, of any age that didn't enjoy Breaking Bad. The character development during the series was amazing. Especially for Jessie. (I still want to give him a hug). As you said, each action has a consequence they must deal with. It is not really about drug dealing, after all, he is not a dealer. He is 'the cook".
Seasons 2-5 were the best IMO. But the finale... OMG. Very classy.
It was awesome no matter what! The characters were deep and Heisenberg was a desperate man who got caught in a downward spiral that he at first couldn't get out of but then didn't want to. The storyline and how every character meshed together was pretty darned good. Oh and there was a bit of scar face in there too! Can't remember his name but the guy who played Tony's buddy who he killed for seeing his sister was that drug lord guy in Mexico. Oh and didn't anyone like Scarface? It's just good fiction in my opinion. My kids watched all of it and are not running out looking for drugs. But they aren't little kids anymore, obviously kids shouldn't be watching that stuff lol but their video games are just as bad these days too...
I think that's why I start out really, really liking a series, then somewhere along the way I just get to a point where I can't find any redeeming qualities in any of the characters anymore so I stop watching.
Okay, so we started watching the new ones last night, and.... 1) Train - My response : "DAY-UMM!" and 2) Closing: Probably one of the best pieces of television writing in history... "Did you think I forgot about you?" Crashed that fourth wall and completely called out the audience as to one of the reasons we love this show.

BRAVO House of Cards!
House of Cards is a netflix original series, so you can only catch it there.

Does anyone have Amazon Prime?
They have about 10 pilots that they are letting the audience choose what is made into a series.
I've watched 4 of them so far, pretty decent television.
Ya I saw on Netflix that it was an original and then I saw an ad for it on tv but they didn't mention netflix weird. What's amazon prime? Or is that only available in the US?