how many at a time

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Senior Member
Jun 8, 2008
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I am getting ready to bottlesome dandelion and also some Sauv Blanc but not sure if you should fill all 20 or 30 bottles and then cork all at once or fill a few and cork them as you go???? Didn't know if leaving the open bottle for awhile would hurt it.

Some guidancewould bemuch apprecated. First time bottler
It wont hurt to do all at once but I dont only because Im afraid of playing Dominoes! Anyway, once the bottle is filled the surface area of the wine is so small that oxidation possibilities are at a minimum kind of like having a topped up carboy.
Thanks Wade, can't wait to try out the floor corker. MedPretzels how to made it look pretty simple.
Scott, I normally fill 4 or 5, stop, cork, then fill 4 or 5 more. You definitely don't want the cat jumping up on the table and having your wine necter of the vineyards all over the kitchen!!!
The floor corker is as easy as it gets and realy speeds things up not to mention the ease on the body and no corks getting stuck 1/2 way or 3/4 of the way in and buckling.
my preference is to fill a botle w my auto filler and place it on the floor corker then go back and fill a second bottle before corking the first so as to make sure any small bubbles that occur whilst filling the first have time to dissipate....then i cork the first and place the second on the corker and then go fill the third and so on

this allows the bubbles to escape yet also not keep the bottle exposed to oxygen for more than 30-60 seconds
I just got done filling 156 bottles of Cayuga White and LaCrosse wine from grapes- last years. I set up so that I fill a few using them as stabilizers and then fill a few more. As I get a few ahead, I can cork 2 for every one I fill. I set the filler in a new one against one of the stabilizers and let it fill while I cork some of the full ones. I can cork two while one fills. I just keep altenating until I am done. Here it is noon and I had to sample about a bottles worth of leftovers from the carboys. I don't know why Cayuga gets a bums wrap from NYS conniseurs. I sweetened to 1.002 a month ago and it is very good. It is a bit better than the LaCrosse which is also good. The thing to remember while you fill is that sampling is necessary to ensure quality. In my case, I need to go have some lunch now so I can appreciate the rest of the quality I have in another bottle of samples.
I typically fill 3 bottles and then put the filler in the next empty and cork the previous 3 in the order I filled them.
Let me see if I got this right........bottle 3 - 4 then cork, sample.... bottle 3-4 then cork, sample..... bottle 3 - 4thensample andmost likely out of wine and man I love this hobby.

Thanks for the advice
We have only done 4 different wines, I usually do the bottling and then I pass it to my wife who does the corking. So, I guess its bottle 1 and cork 1 at our house. Depending on what is left in the end is what gets drank right away.

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