I have done 5 different batches of juice wines and they all have turned out great. I am wondering if I use the frozen concentrate I could regulate the amount Diluted, possibly creating a more robust flavor. How many cans per gallon???
100% fruit juiceWhat kind of juice?
Excellent!!! Thank you!At the very least, use enough cans to give you the SG needed to produce your desired ABV. If you use too little concentrate (watered down) and add sugar to boost the ABV, you may end up with a wine light on flavor in comparison to ABV, an out of balance wine.
The answer to your question is yes. Using more concentrate will increase the “robustness” of your wine. On the other side of the diluted scenario above, too much concentrate may yields a SG which produces a wine with too high an ABV, so proceed cautiously.
For a fruit wine, I wouldn’t shoot for an SG any higher than 1.090, which would give an ABV in the 12% - 13% range. Experiment with 1 gallon of water, add two cans and see what the SG is. Add more til you hit 1.090 with one gallon, then you can figure out how many cans you need to add to each gallon of water for whatever volume you want. Your starting volume should be a little be more than your desired ending volume when you start fermenting, but after a few rackings, you should get pretty close to your planned ending volume.
Ahhh, I have become too predictable. Or is that a good thing - Consistent? Thanks Johnd
I keep repeating it because I don't want folks to have a bad first experience.
I'm ALL for saving $$$ when I can but I believe we all want quality and I've been tempted to cut corners not and then.
I have done 5 different batches of juice wines and they all have turned out great. I am wondering if I use the frozen concentrate I could regulate the amount Diluted, possibly creating a more robust flavor. How many cans per gallon???