I wonder

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Fast forwarding time is easy. You just have to have a worthy craft, escape the gravity of the Earth and approach the speed of light, travelling some distance at that velocity, slow down then return.

From your perpsective, depending on how long you travelled, maybe 2 months went by, or 3 months, but while you were gone from Earth, maybe 4 to 6 years went by.

In wine making, relativity is your friend. :sm

Until we can do that, we just have to keep ourselves busy making other wines while we wait.........
Any of you found a way to fastforward time?

id really like to try some of the wine i did now but aged a year or two ;)

I had heard this a long time ago. (True?) Apparently when the space shuttle went into space it took with it an atomic clock (precisely acurate) on board.

Upon it's return they discovered that there was a difference between that clock and the atomic clock here on Earth. The shuttles clock had fallen behind by a few minutes.

Does time really stand still or slow as we reach the speed of light?
Time really does slow down the faster you go.

P.S. the time machine works great. Your wine a year in future was wonderful. Sorry, I drank it all you might want to start another batch ;)
Time really does slow down the faster you go.

P.S. the time machine works great. Your wine a year in future was wonderful. Sorry, I drank it all you might want to start another batch ;)

How could you! then i'll do a mcfly of myself and drink it all now so you dont drink it in a year!