I think we're getting way too serious here. All of my posts have been tongue-in-cheek and not intended to evoke passionate opinions one way or the other. Mearly playing devil's advocate.
I do believe my dogs (I have 3) are cleaner and not as slobbery as many, but I would never intentionally serve wine to guests that I thought was contaminated by them. That said, if one of my dogs happened to lap a little must or unfinshed wine I certainly wouldn't dispose of the whole lot. I would just drink it myself. While I don't kiss or allow my dogs to lick me anywhere, they do occasionally sneek a lick to my face afterwhich I wash it off. The world is full of germs and beyond trying to avoid human pathogens (none of which thrive in dogs), I depend upon the body's natural defenses to protect me from disease. I'm sure a lot of dog owners feel the same as I do.
(Notice I have a parrot also).