Here is the start to my vineyard at our new home. We are taking a week-long vacation and I needed to get these vines in the ground ASAP. I have had the vines lingering since February and they were itching to get out of their pots. I have 20 potted vines of Zinfandel on SO4. I was able to fit 14 vines on 6' spacing. I debated putting them on 5' spacing. They will be head trained and that can get "sprawly". I would like to have a little maneuvering room. The last 6 can fit in the small lawn further back. The irrigation system is a mess and I had to hook up to the garden hose with a timer for now. And the pressure regulator is shot, so I bought an RV hose bib regulator on Amazon. It works great. Adventures in home ownership.

I am excited about starting my little Zin experiment!

I am excited about starting my little Zin experiment!