I don't have any photos of sizing and welding the ends of the rings, we had a couple of fixtures the first was to align the ends it was a tab welded to the table with half the ring extending over the edge of the table and the back half held down by the tab, a couple of taps with a hammer to take the lock washer effect out of them.
The other fixture was 3 equally spaced triangles that stood up from the table, we pushed each ring into it to control the size of the OD of the ring and then we TIG welded the ends together.
Logistics question: Judging by looking at the photos of the narrow room you have the rack in, did you have to get the racks through the doorway? How did you manage that, the appear on the photo to be too long and wide to fit and turn the corner against the wall? Or is that a hallway outside of the wine making area?
Sir, I'm tipping my hat to you right now as I type.
Heck, we just might be cousins....
WOW, what a wine rack.
You have some serious work and time in that thing. All that welding, fitting clamping,.....Did you ever start to wonder "what the heck am I doing here" LOL
I like to fab stuff myself, and I know how it gets, you reach a point and figure there's no turning back now. LOL
Nice job Rod