Amazing floor. You did a great job on the angles. That isn't an easy feet.
So here is the $64,000 question for you......
Will you be covering that beautiful tile work with lots of rubber floor mats or do you "live dangerously". Wine bottles do not bounce on tile. I have had leftover tile in my garage from when we did our whole house years ago and have been meaning to pull everything out in the Winter and do a simple diagonal pattern but I have had so many close calls with bottles slipping out of racks and hitting the floor, carboys slipping when moving and landing hard on the floor (which has Berber carpet/pad) that I have never done it.
If I do I will be buying a big box of rubber restaurant style pads to put down in front of everything effectively covering all the tile!
Nicely done, once you get the flow going you will really move out. Your room looks great.