Nightmare Floor Corker

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Senior Member
May 3, 2009
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Yesterday I rented (from my localbrew shop, $1/day)their floor corker. I have used this a couple of times in the past with great results. Not sure of the brand but it looks like the one George sells with the Brass Jaws. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
With 28 bottles of VR Chardonnay filled, I started corking with # 9's that I had used in the past with this corker. For some reason, and I can't figure it out, it is only pushing the cork 1/3-1/2 the way down. 1/2 way through the lever action it pushes the bottle down not allowing the cork to fully seat. Of course they are closed till Tuesday. Can I let these bottles sit until then? Can I just pull the corks and re-cork, or should I dump the wine back into my bottling bucket and re-filter and bottle?
Is the stop on the handle set correctly? Look for the screw with the knob that turns. That is the stop. It may be backed out too far. Mine moves easily now. It used to be very tight and didn't move when set. That might be your issue.

If your corks are half way in it ought to be OK to leave them as so for a couple days. You can definitely pull the corks and re-cork now though. I wouldn't dump the wine back in the bucket and re-filter. No need to if already done.
I think smurfe is on the right track. It sounds like the depth adjustment is out of whack but it is easily adjusted.
Or maybe the locking mech. is not working properly as that bottom plate should be sturdy when the lever is actuated.
Well I am now the proud owner of a new floor corker
. It turn out to be the locking mech. at the bottom. Ran up to Denver and picked one up at another Home BreW Shop. Now I don't have to worry about if it is working or not. Thanks for the replies.....
And Happy Father's Day to all. My Son up at CSU finally called and my Daughter in WI. Only thing better then making Wine..Maybe one other thing as well!
vscottcolorado said:
Well I am now the proud owner of a new floor corker
. It turn out to be the locking mech. at the bottom. Ran up to Denver and picked one up at another Home BreW Shop. Now I don't have to worry about if it is working or not. Thanks for the replies.....
And Happy Father's Day to all. My Son up at CSU finally called and my Daughter in WI. Only thing better then making Wine..Maybe one other thing as well!

What a GREAT Fathers Day gift !
Good deal on getting your own corker. Which one did you get? It doesn't really matter though, both are great. I love the Italian corker but if had to do it again I wouldn't think twice about the Portuguese model. Have a great time using it!
Do you mean the other way around Smurfe about the corkers or are you just talking about saving a few bucks?
Wade, I meant I wouldn't have any issue with owning the Portuguese model. I love the Italian model but after using the red one it works just fine. The only real advantage I can see the Italian model has is it is taller and less bending over is required. It is pretty comfortable to use standing up.
Wade, my portegese (sp) floor corker arrived yesterday. Color me stupid, but exactly how does this thing work?

Place the bottle on the round disc thingie. Got that.

I am assuming you place a cork in the cylinder above, and press down with the handle and the above probe thing pushes the cork in the bottle.

PS. Directions ARE on the the native language.
Is this your first floor corker???

You just drop the cork in the top and depress the handle. You may have to adjust the depth of the cork by the little screw device that pushes thru the iris if you go up on the threads you increas the depth of the cork, if you move it down the threads then it will make the cork seat shallower. I am assuming its the same set up as my floor corker just that it has a brass iris.

Oh you might want to clean the iris, mine is nylon so I just spray it with a little k-meta before use. Not sure how you should clean the brass.
That's the jist of it uav, and by turning the adjusting ring to set the depth of cork. I have had to when using taller bottles set the feet on 2 by's for the corker to accept them or the stem on the round disc thingie hits the floor.


Man Gaudet is a fast typer, or I am just that slow
Gaudet, not sure what the "iris" is but I will k-met anything that touches the cork.

Yup, this is my first floor corker. I won it off EBay so there are no English version directions to it.
Scott, nah.....I got your reply faster that gaudet's. lol Appreciated both responses!!
uavwmn said:
Gaudet, not sure what the "iris" is but I will k-met anything that touches the cork.

Yup, this is my first floor corker. I won it off EBay so there are no English version directions to it.
Put the corks in a k-meta soulition in a pot and add the corks to a strainerwith lid. That way the fumes will sanitize the corks and nop need to spray anything on the corker
oo oo good idea!!! Will definitely try that method. So.....what is the iris???
It still can collect dust and such Tepe. I clean it anyways and k-meta my corks.

The iris is the piece of brass inside the head of the corker that compresses the cork. The push rod above the head goes inside the iris to seat the cork.
gaudet said:
It still can collect dust and such Tepe. I clean it anyways and k-meta my corks.

Not if you put a lid on it. this is what Wade &amp; I do.
Hes talking about the corker himself Tepe and if you have a lid on your Iris please show me your setup!
Oh my... Looks like I cant read when I been raising a "few" glasses..