No More Grapes/Juice from Harford

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Daughter or daughter in law is pregnant, doesn’t want to announce til the second trimester, Fred’s sworn to secrecy. Wife wants to be here for the birth, not in Hungary.

You don't know how hard it was not to PM you. I had to check for bugs to see if you had some kind of listening device in my house. You and/or your wife couldn't have hit it more squarely on the head. It's my daughter in law and it's twins and the second trimester started today. First time for us.
Thanks, she is due in April. Unfortunately they live in San Diego.
And what is the problem? I heard they have things called planes that fly up in the sky (oh s#@%t, now I've got Pink Floyd Blue Sky in my head) and can get you there pretty quickly (at least faster than walking). Don't you have cash laying around everywhere now that you got rid of the money sink called a boat?

BTW, congratulations Grandpa! I'm sure your wife will be ecstatic once they pop out (and she can stop worrying).
You don't know how hard it was not to PM you. I had to check for bugs to see if you had some kind of listening device in my house. You and/or your wife couldn't have hit it more squarely on the head. It's my daughter in law and it's twins and the second trimester started today. First time for us.

Ha!!! It’s the only thing that fit the description you gave, congratulations on first time double granfatherhood!!!
You say that like it's a bad thing.... :?

I am sitting in the SFO airport right now after a lovely visit.

Went to Frisco with some buddies a long while ago for an Eagles game in Oakland. Stayed in SF. Really was such an amazing city.
Most of us were big Dead fans and wanted to check out Haight Asbury. It was not exactly what we had anticipated. If you’ve been you know what I’m sayin. We ended up in this seedy bar and met a group of girls. I’d say we picked them up but I’m pretty sure they picked us up. To this day I swear they were vampires. In the name of decency (and forum rules) I’ll refrain from the rest of the story!

**but more importantly- Fred congrats on the recent news. Might have to a few less batches to spoil the new grandchild soon!
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