RJ Spagnols Orchard Breezin' Kits compared to Arbor Mist?

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Feb 5, 2011
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I was at Wally's World today and saw that Arbor Mist had a Strawberry Zinfandel. I decided to pick it up since I was thinking about getting a strawberry Zinfandel or riesling from Orchard Breezin. I think it is OK. I was wondering if anyone could describe how Orchard Breezin compares to Arbor Mist in general.
Orchard Breezin are wine coolers. They come in at around 7.0% abv and are sweetened with sugary fruit flavors. They are meant to be consumed cold, and will not really benefit from long term aging. Short answer is yes, they are like arbor mist. I have a Blackberry Malbec in seconday fermentation right now from Niagra Mist but I personally have never tried a mist wine before. Im looking forward to it, they are very popular.
In general, Arbor Mist and Orchard Breezin` are the same thing. The Arbor Mist may have a little carbonation that the home made one does not have.

In specific, the taste probably won`t be exactly the same. Way back in Spring 2004, the OB Green Apple Gewurztraminer and the Niagara Mist Green Apple Sauv Blanc were introduced. They were different in taste, but both were good. And I don`t think it was the difference between G`wine amd Sauv Blanc. It was a slightly different apple taste. At least that`s how I recall it.

I seem to recall that back in 2000, the Wild Vines Strawberry White Zinfandel and the Wine Kitz Ultimate Strawberry White Zinfandel were pretty close. Haven`t had either in some time now.

Thanks guys... I just wanted to know what to expect. I could see them being a hit with some friends.

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