Varis, sorry about the auto correct on your name last post. I'll save you a 6 year old Peach & a 2 year old one. Hope to see you this winter. Roy
He he - was reading this and picked up 50# of peaches this morning. Going to clean cut and dessicate them slightly before freezing
See how I feel about it after that.
Froze mine with stones in them, thaw a bit and the pit will come right out.
How can you get an accurate SG reading when the pulp is relatively intact? Peaches, Apples, Nectarine the larger fruit is going to take some time to breakdown unless juiced.
Since we estimate our ABV by comparing starting vs ending SG our estimates are relatively inaccurate with these fruits until the fruit breaks down and by the time that happens the fermentation process is well underway and the sugar is already being used up by the yeast. That's why I chose to blend my fruit. Admittedly using a slicer that would have simply made very fine pieces of the fruit would have been better than the air introduced in the blending process. I don't have a juicer and don't do enough of this to justify purchasing one large enough to survive juicing 15-30 pound of fruit at one time. (Burned up the rubber coupling on my blender doing this fruit yesterday)
On the upside for me the Air is being released as it sits and I just pitched the yeast this afternoon. SG reading was just a hair below 1.100. Depending on the fermentation and how the SG responds in the next 2-3 days I can go back and add a known amount of Simply Syrup and recalculate my SG to get a better estimate of my expected final ABV but for now I believe getting about 14%ABV is going to work for me.
Once it starts juicing due to fruit break down you can use a refractory meter to get an accurate brix and convert that to sg
And if you don't have a refractometer, sanitize and push a strainer down into your must, scoop out a cup of juice and pour it into your wine theif and drop in the hydrometer.
Why are you bothering to desiccate them? From my experience and from a number of recipes... quartering, de-stoning and then freezing is all the processing needed. [I spritz with k-meta just before freezing but don't think it is really necessary.]
Just experimenting and trying to focus the flavor. A partial dehydration seems to concentrate everything and make it sweeter. I'll chop bag freeze still. May need more boxes of peaches.