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Good morning, and happy 44th birthday to Harry Potter. Time has done a number on your favorite boy wizard—he’s growing a butterbeer belly and seeking more out of life than just the Snitch. For further reading:

  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Metamucil
  • Harry Potter and the Kidney Stone
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Parent–Teacher Conferences
  • Harry Potter and the Ginny Where Are My Keys
—Matty Merritt, Sam Klebanov, Cassandra Cassidy, Adam Epstein, Neal Freyman
The day after 9/11, when air traffic was halted in North America, I was fishing with a friend within 90km of an airport. We said that. It was erie with no vapor trails.
We are the flyover crossing point for several airports, including Atlanta and Houston. It was indeed so strange for a week after 9-11. No contrails. Normally, every morning they are criss-crossed over our location.