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and the battery waste, not to mention most all come from china. windmills in the oceans are destroying sea life along with that crap BP dumped to sink the oil, and Fukushima of which is continually spilling radiation into the ocean. man ole man, we are our own worst enemies huh?
and the battery waste, not to mention most all come from china. windmills in the oceans are destroying sea life along with that crap BP dumped to sink the oil, and Fukushima of which is continually spilling radiation into the ocean. man ole man, we are our own worst enemies huh?

So we continue to drill baby, drill, huh? Good luck with that. The relative pollution of clean energy vs. oil is lopsided against oil. IMO the solution to vehicle CO2 pollution is fewer vehicles and more public transit, preferably powered by clean energy. Not seeing that coming anytime soon to the greedy, me-me US. But to answer your last question, yep, we are our own worst enemies. Our unsustainable ways are manifest. We weren't on the moon long before we left junk cars up there, were we? Come to think of it, we left junk behind on every mission there. Now, we have our junk on Mars, too! I am just happy to be living at the peak, when we still make all kinds of bad individual choices with no concern for their later ramifications, and we pummel anyone and anything trying to stave off the coming decline. But that's OK, our ways on Earth will all catch up, and sooner rather than later. Next generation sooner, IMO. Then Elon can fly off to a new planet, so there is a silver lining. 🤣
just saying :i
Ehem, electric car batteries are recycled into new batteries, not "chunked". See story link :
Let's also not forget about the toxic Fluids (oil, filters, transmission fluids coolant) that your ICE vehicle produces throughout its life and the engine/transmission that is "chunked" at the end of its life.
Now we wait!.jpg

and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait

Hey, that sounds like wine making :h
There's Way more batteries in this world then Elon's,,,, way more,,,
(climate change= weather),... , china and india both back up to rivers to dump their garbage,
yeah, yeah, yeah , we live an excessively wasteful lifestyle, but compared to them we are a drop in the bucket, not to mention where russia, way back when stripped off permafrost to get road making material, and now that gorge is hugh and still growing in Siberia. every now and then mother earth when threatened comes along and wipes out the parasites on her, what gets me is all the folk that wants to start with us to pay for everything, yet there's no measurable difference unless china, india and russia bite the bullet right up front at the same time, not to mention they want to stop fossil fuels all the while selling our fossil fuels to the big 3 polluters . so beings greed rules, then come time mother earth will rid herself of her parasites.... and then HAPPY EVER AFTER....
So we continue to drill baby, drill, huh? Good luck with that. The relative pollution of clean energy vs. oil is lopsided against oil. IMO the solution to vehicle CO2 pollution is fewer vehicles and more public transit, preferably powered by clean energy. Not seeing that coming anytime soon to the greedy, me-me US. But to answer your last question, yep, we are our own worst enemies. Our unsustainable ways are manifest. We weren't on the moon long before we left junk cars up there, were we? Come to think of it, we left junk behind on every mission there. Now, we have our junk on Mars, too! I am just happy to be living at the peak, when we still make all kinds of bad individual choices with no concern for their later ramifications, and we pummel anyone and anything trying to stave off the coming decline. But that's OK, our ways on Earth will all catch up, and sooner rather than later. Next generation sooner, IMO. Then Elon can fly off to a new planet, so there is a silver lining. 🤣
now why do you put words into my mouth, be nice and give up some that wine :i
There's Way more batteries in this world then Elon's,,,, way more,,,
(climate change= weather),... , china and india both back up to rivers to dump their garbage,
yeah, yeah, yeah , we live an excessively wasteful lifestyle, but compared to them we are a drop in the bucket, not to mention where russia, way back when stripped off permafrost to get road making material, and now that gorge is hugh and still growing in Siberia. every now and then mother earth when threatened comes along and wipes out the parasites on her, what gets me is all the folk that wants to start with us to pay for everything, yet there's no measurable difference unless china, india and russia bite the bullet right up front at the same time, not to mention they want to stop fossil fuels all the while selling our fossil fuels to the big 3 polluters . so beings greed rules, then come time mother earth will rid herself of her parasites.... and then HAPPY EVER AFTER....
Don't care. I rather live in America than anywhere else. Our level of pollution is less than almost any other industrial nation and we have a better lifestyle than most. As stated China, India and Russia destroy the world more than all the other countries combined. But now we are discussing politics on a non-political forum.