If any of us received 1/100 of 1% of that number ... that's $7,600,000 USD. Spending that much in a lifetime would be near to impossible.
Yes, put me down for a shot at it, as well.

I think I can do it, and motivation is 99% of success!!!

Plus, I have this poster...
I don't really worry much about those fabulously rich folks, or really anyone who has more than me. I have everything I want and need in life. Good sturdy shelter. Heat in winter, cool in summer. Food aplenty, clothing, etc. I mean, I have read that if you own more than two pairs of shoes, you are richer than 96% of the world's population. If you shower with on-demand hot water, you are part of a tiny global elite. Etc.
In the USA, we live in a country so rich that people can literally spend their money on plastic junk to decorate their house with spooky stuff for a one-day holiday, then tear it all down the next day and landfill it. Yet people are not happy with their lot.
Contentment, man ... It is vastly underrated.

Soapbox removed.