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Horn rimmed glasses. Served the purpose of holding heavy prescriptions in the 60s. By the 90s,and now when high index plastic lenses have been available, they're just ugly. But ugly is the new chic!
Your mention of glasses reminded me of another example. Contact lenses were largely popular because people did not like how they looked wearing glasses. (There was an old saying, "Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses.") There was even a certain stigma attached to wearing them when I was an adolescent. By the late 1960's and early 1970's this had all changed, and a new fashion trend was "Fashion Specs," which were plain glass but people bought them (Yes, I did!) to be "in style."
Your mention of glasses reminded me of another example. Contact lenses were largely popular because people did not like how they looked wearing glasses. (There was an old saying, "Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses.") There was even a certain stigma attached to wearing them when I was an adolescent. By the late 1960's and early 1970's this had all changed, and a new fashion trend was "Fashion Specs," which were plain glass but people bought them (Yes, I did!) to be "in style."
Boy, did I have that saying wrong. I thought it was "Girls don't make passes at boys that pass gasses"

Mercedes-Benz's history is proudly tied to one woman: Bertha Benz, the world’s first driver and roadside mechanic.
In 1888, she took her husband’s invention, the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, and drove it over 100 kilometers. Along the way, she encountered technical difficulties and proved to be very resourceful, including using a hat pin to fix a clogged fuel line and a garter to repair a broken ignition.
Beyond her contributions to the advancement of cars, she also paved the way to #InspireInclusion for women in the industry.
Happy Women's History Month!