The flair of the rear fender looks more like an EdselI have not seen one of these guys for many, many years. The reason I am posting this is I wonder if any of you "car guys" can identify the car in the background on the right. I know the car on the left is a '57 Mercury but I am having trouble with the other. I am thinking Studebaker Hawk, but I am not sure.
View attachment 117018
I took home EC. The girls were easy. Already knew how to cook.View attachment 117030
I did not take Home EC, of course, but I wish I had rather than useless electives I took. I do remember our girls bringing their "creations" to our home room and having their boyfriends try them, an exceedingly poor strategy for a girl trying to impress a boy.
Don't forget nematodes, in the water. Little devils are everywhere.. That's why it's safer to drink beer or wine!
I'm going with a 57 PontiacI have not seen one of these guys for many, many years. The reason I am posting this is I wonder if any of you "car guys" can identify the car in the background on the right. I know the car on the left is a '57 Mercury but I am having trouble with the other. I am thinking Studebaker Hawk, but I am not sure.
View attachment 117018
You can send this picture and your question to @iowahawkblog on X/Twitter. Must include #DavesCarIDService to make sure your request doesn't slip past him. He does a series of car ID's on the weekends. Very fun if you like old cars and nostalgia.I have not seen one of these guys for many, many years. The reason I am posting this is I wonder if any of you "car guys" can identify the car in the background on the right. I know the car on the left is a '57 Mercury but I am having trouble with the other. I am thinking Studebaker Hawk, but I am not sure.
View attachment 117018
The more I look at it and on line shots of '50's tail fins, I think it is a '57 Ford.
View attachment 117098