i have probably read it a few times over the life of this thread and the others, what is your final gravity reading again? On your normal batch with white sugar. I have the honey ready to back sweeten a 1gal batch when mine finishes i just want to get it close using the above information and past info. this may require a little honey and sugar so i dont blow the fruit away with the honey.
No worries! It's completely on-topic! My finished DB comes out at just around 1.010. That's the way I like it anyway. That's five cups of sugar in six gallons.
gotcha! it wont be long now i stepped the sugar into the quadberry and its screaming through it. im gonna transfer to carboy tonight then stabilize and degas on sunday when i get home, then it wont be long and i can backsweeten. im thinking i will start with 1/4 cup honey to 1 gal and see where it takes me
I just wanted to try more fruit, and I had three bags handy. Strangely, side by side, you can hardly tell the difference now between the melomel and the original.