REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*

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$35 is very reasonable. Are you able to get all the wine out of the filter reservoir or is there some waste?
$35 is very reasonable. Are you able to get all the wine out of the filter reservoir or is there some waste?

No waste
Look back some pages as I instAlled a pipe down the
Middle of the intake side
I have limited internet as I am doing a high adventure with the
Boy scouts this week
Hope to respond better by monday
OK, I am sold on the system! I just read above about using Better Bottles. I also use them and thought that the Allinone would not work with Better Bottles and that you need to use glass carboys. Is this correct? I guess I could use one or two glass carboys, but I sure like the Better Bottles. Advice is appreciated! Cheers, Gary
Never lift

Awesome review Dave! I would not be making wine anymore if it wasnt for a vacuum pump!!!! The set up I have works great and this is the exact reason I was selling these before but Steve (vacuumpumpman) here took it to the next level and reduced the size of of the stuff needed making it even more compact and easier to use. I implore anyone especially people with bad backs to get one as it will make your wine making much safer and much much more enjoyable. You can rack, degas and bottle with this set up and if you go out and get a whole house filter housing you can also filter with it and these filters are good for 1000's of gallons so just store it in sulfite solution and its ready to use next time!

I had almost overlooked one of the advantages of the AllInOneWinePump. I have NEVER lifted on full carboy since I got it! I store mine on floor. I rack up to an empty one on the countertop, then lower it (the only lifting if you can call it that) right to floor. I bottle up from carboy on floor to bottles on counter. The only lifting I do is cleaning the carboy or lowering the racked to the floor. I had forgotten what an improvement this is!
using with Better Bottles

OK, I am sold on the system! I just read above about using Better Bottles. I also use them and thought that the Allinone would not work with Better Bottles and that you need to use glass carboys. Is this correct? I guess I could use one or two glass carboys, but I sure like the Better Bottles. Advice is appreciated! Cheers, Gary

I've been making wine for about 3 years now with Better Bottles. I do not own the all in one pump yet but will likely order one on Monday when Steve returns from his trip. Here's how I plan on using the pump with Better Bottles.

I will vacuum rack from primary and the next 2 rackings and filter into glass. Once that is done I will rack into a Better Bottle for as long as I want it to age (essentially I will no longer use the Better Bottle valves). I plan on using the vacuum pump to bottle as well. It looks like I will be buying several glass carboys.


Thanks for the info. I was thinking the same. One more question, using your method will you have to rack your wine aging in Better bottles into glass carboys if you want to bottle using the AllInOne?



Thanks for the info. I was thinking the same. One more question, using your method will you have to rack your wine aging in Better bottles into glass carboys if you want to bottle using the AllInOne?



Hi Gary !
Just got back from vacation !!
You can bottle with the allinone - with either the better bottle or glass as your carboys. You just can not pull a vacuum on better bottles.
Hi Steve.
Jack here, bought a pump from you about 6 monthes ago or so. Also got a filter cartridge as my first reason in getting the pump was to filter my wine. I really like the pump as it's a time and back saver. I have a question for you, how many times should I filter the wine? Should I just filter once, the day before bottling or should I filter it twice; once after the first 3 monthes, then again the day before bottling? Reason I ask, is that when I filtered the last wine I bottled using a 5 micron filter, I have noted a bit of fine sediment in the wine. Thanks.
Jack ie zack
I will only filter once - right before bottling.
How long did you age your wine prior to bottling ?
did you cold stablize ?
what type of wine did you use at 5 micron ?
what kind of sediment is it ?
6 monthes in carboys. Racked twice.
Only one day after filtering before bottling.
No cold stablizing.
Peach and strawberry.
A fine sediment.
I would proubly go down to a 1 micrin filter rating then for fruits and whites. Your big reds stay at 5 micron
vacuumpumpman said:
No waste
Look back some pages as I instAlled a pipe down the
Middle of the intake side
I have limited internet as I am doing a high adventure with the
Boy scouts this week
Hope to respond better by monday

What sort of pipe did you add? Is it food safe? How far down does it go? How did you fasten it?

Its white pvc I believe and it goes all the way to the very bottom. He tapped the housing cap and pvv and screwed the pc in afterwards.
What sort of pipe did you add? Is it food safe? How far down does it go? How did you fasten it?


I used a gray water pipe that was alrady threaded on one end (from Menards)- here is a link to a pic of it. I goes down approx 1'' from the bottom after being screwed in. - Typicaly you could take this housing to an Ace Hardware or a plumber and they could tap the inside of the housing for little money - 1/2 NPT
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vacuumpumpman said:
I used a gray water pipe that was alrady threaded on one end (from Menards)- here is a link to a pic of it. I goes down approx 1'' from the bottom after being screwed in. - Typicaly you could take this housing to an Ace Hardware or a plumber and they could tap the inside of the housing for little money - 1/2 NPT

The hole in my housing is very very small. I am afraid that tapping it would cut through. The wall looks to be about 1 to 2mm thick. I got the Pentek 158326 1/4" not slim line 10" housing from filters fast.

For now I've taken a grey irrigation pipe, which are cheap like borscht, and filled off the threads for what looks like a good pressure fit. I've also only left about 1/8" of space above the bottom of the filter housing. I will see how well that works.

I would defintley leave more space than 1/8''. I was thinking along the lines of approx 1'' or so and yes a good pressure fit should be fine as well.
vacuumpumpman said:
I would defintley leave more space than 1/8''. I was thinking along the lines of approx 1'' or so and yes a good pressure fit should be fine as well.

The ID of the pipe is only 1/2" in diameter, so I was thinking that 1/8" between the pipe and the part the filter mounts on at the bottom of the housing would allow plenty of flow. Is that not enough space for the vacuum to pull in our something like that?
My two cents

I have had the allinone for about eight months now. I sit back and wonder how I could of enjoyed making wine without the allinone. It has truely made my tasks of racking, degassing and bottle filling fun. No more lifting full carboys and bottle filling is a snap. The customer service from steve is the best you will ever find from any company. I waited to give my review to see how everything worked and held up. If you dont have one than by all means you need to have this setup. I love mine and if you are on the fence about the purchase think of it as a long term investment in you. The time saved and wear and tear you put on yourself is well worth every penny.
I just started my 40th batch of wine. After a year of use, and hundreds of gallons of wine bootled (1000+ bottles!), my allinone is still working perfectly!

Once again, Steve, thanks! :b It has more than paid for itself!