REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*

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I received this pump 2 weeks back, and did my first racking last night. The wine had sediment so used Auto Siphon(since this has an anti-sediment tip) from one end and regular racking cane at the receiving end. Racking speed was awesome. However, I was not sure how to manage at the end of the racking. One hand to tilt the carboy and the other hand to switch off the vacuum. Since the racking speed is high, I struggled to time it correctly. Am I doing it correctly, or is there an easier way to do it?

The inline vacuum release will help your situation. Depress the vacuum release prior to completion of carboy transfer and it is more controlled ( no air getting into the receiving carboy ). Upon completion of transfer while holding the vacuum release - turn off pump. Yes it is a good idea to tip the carboy to help keep your hands free and sediment also.
and yes 2 - 3/8 racking canes with the sediment tips work the best

thanks steve
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The inline vacuum release will help your situation. Depress the vacuum release prior to completion of carboy transfer and it is more controlled ( no air getting into the receiving carboy ). Upon completion of transfer while holding the vacuum release - turn off pump. Yes it is a good idea to tip the carboy to help keep your hands free and sediment also.
and yes 2 - 3/8 racking canes with the sediment tips work the best

thanks steve

It is your inline vacuum release switch that makes all the difference in bottling. I have found that when the bottle starts getting full, I can press the switch just slightly and it lets off just enough vacuum to slow-w-w-w-w down the rate of flow so I can control that last few inches of wine in the bottle.

Just as the wine level passes the fill mark, I fully press the switch; the flow stops instantly and the excess wine is siphoned right back into the source carboy. Not a drop of wine is lost! Thanks for your setup and instructions; they have made bottling much, much easier.
I use the same set-up as Robie uses for bottling. I don't use the vacuum release button (maybe because it's too far away for me to comfortably reach). Once the bottle is nearly full, I just break the seal between the stopper and the receiving bottle and the vacuum pressure keeps it at the proper level. A very, very little bit gets sucked off the top and eventually goes into the overflow container. When I'm almost finished bottling I either dump it back into the carboy or drink it as a reward for doing such a great job!!
Can you rack from carboy to fermintation bucket or do you need two carboys to rack?
Can you rack from carboy to fermintation bucket or do you need two carboys to rack?

Since it's a vacuum pump, the receiving vessel needs to be airtight. Why would you be racking from a carboy to a bucket? :?
I rack from a carboy (secondary) to a bucket when I stabilize and degas with a drill stirrer.
Flem, I changed the length of the hoses so the vacuum release is in a convenient location for my WIFE to use. She loves to bottle with the All In One system. If you just raise the stopper the level in each bottle will be a little different because the wine will gravity drain back to the carboy, but it will not leave the wine level exactly where you want it, ie. have the little hose height set, [to control head space between the wine & cork] because you are raising that hose when you raise the stopper. Roy
I was going to rack from a carboy to fermintation bucket due to not having enough carboys. I was than going to clean and sanitize my carboy and rack back to the carboy. I was also hoping to do most of the degassing racking it twice.
Sorry, bucko. Looks like you'll have to syphon to the bucket, then rack to the carboy using the pump.
Time to purchase another carboy ! (LOL)
that is always a good thing

thanks steve

I just bought another carboy this weekend for this very reason. So, I've purchased a new carboy every month since I started this hobby at the beginning of the year. I think this whole "bulk aging" recommendation on this forum is sponsored by the carboy dealers :D
I have to say I have fallen in love with the allinonewinepump. I was the lucky one who won the contest have got to use it to rack off to carboy and to bottle with. Very little waste, my bottles are the same fill height, no mess. Only problem now is fighting with the wife to see who gets to bottle, not who has to.
Thanks Steve:h
I have to say I have fallen in love with the allinonewinepump. I was the lucky one who won the contest have got to use it to rack off to carboy and to bottle with. Very little waste, my bottles are the same fill height, no mess. Only problem now is fighting with the wife to see who gets to bottle, not who has to.
Thanks Steve:h

Congrats, Bob! I knew you'd like it!

Hey, Wade! Maybe you could slap a Sticky on this wonderfully informative thread.
Originally Posted by 14bob
I have to say I have fallen in love with the allinonewinepump. I was the lucky one who won the contest have got to use it to rack off to carboy and to bottle with. Very little waste, my bottles are the same fill height, no mess. Only problem now is fighting with the wife to see who gets to bottle, not who has to.
Thanks Steve

Congrats, Bob! I knew you'd like it!

Hey, Wade! Maybe you could slap a Sticky on this wonderfully informative thread.

Bob I am really happy that you are enjoying the allinone and have to fight with the wife who is going to bottle - LOL

Thats a good idea dave about the sticky
I'm finally getting around to setting mine up, I've been remiss in keeping up with my wines (fortunately, it's wine, so not a big deal since everything is in bulk). Plan to spend tomorrow evening using it for transfer/degassing. Excited!
Good thinking about sticking it, should have been done a long time ago. Its been Stuck!
Another Happy User

I received my All-in-One on Tuesday, picked up a pair of racking canes at my LHBS on Wednesday, selected a clean catch bottle, and racked/degassed on Thursday. This was the first of two 6 gallon kits that I had originally degassed with a Mity-Vac this past October, then set aside for the winter. This had been done in my basement room at basement temperatures, below the 75* recommendation that I have read many times on this site over this past winter. Two hours of hand exercising to keep the 20" to 21" Hg vacuum!!! Should you and I ever meet, don't try shaking hands!!
It took about a minute and a half to set the pump up and only a handful of minutes to rack the first batch. The amount of additional CO2 release was impressive. The second batch worked as good as the first. EASY and CLEAN to use. Now looking forward to bottling in a few weeks. Thanks Steve for a great tool. And, it's "perty" too!!!
Wine Bottling Set-Up

For those of you who already have a vacuum pump for racking, Steve also sells a bottling set-up that really works slick.
I got one from him earlier this month and finally had the chance to use it this morning to bottle my Meglioli Amarone. It works great. It's quick, easy and no mess. It fills bottles to what ever depth you adjust it for.
Good product Steve. I'm now looking forward to the bottling I need to do in the next couple of weeks.
