REVIEW: *allinonewinepump*

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Just bottled using the AI1, last night.
21 bottles of Skeeter Pee

For the 1st time ever I did not spill a drop of wine. I did not make a mess and I was done from start to clean up in less than an hour (my kids kept interuprting me).

I ran upstairs to my wife to rave and marvel about how easy the process was with the AI1, and all I got was a glazed over look from her. But she is not privy to the wine making process!

I ran upstairs to my wife to rave and marvel about how easy the process was with the AI1, and all I got was a glazed over look from her. But she is not privy to the wine making process!

The first time I used mine I drug my wife down to the basement to see it. I was amazed, she was not.
has anyone ever substituted a culligan P1 1-micron filter for the pentek filter, filterfast is currently out of the pentek p1, but they say the culligan p1 will fit any pentek housing that takes a 10" filter. if so were there any issues with sealing or other problems? thanx , Loddie
I don't use filter fast filters and mine works just fine, any 10 inch filter will fit that housing, just make sure the filter you get does NOT have the plastic endcaps.
thanx DRalarms, i was going off the list from vacuummans thread and went to order exactly what was on the list but they r out of the P1's by pentek, no plastic end caps , got it! thanx again
I love this All In ONe pump! I am new to winemaking and found this to be incredibly easy to use, intuitive and saved me tons of time! Never will have to dread this part of the process again!
AIOP + Whf = OMG

So I have been a user of the AIO pump for a few months now. I have use other pump/filter methods in the past, all which have left me somewhat unsatisfied (water pump worked ok, but it would pull air into wine, and internal mechanics of pump were always in contact with the wine... leading to concerns over sanitation. Ferrari style (plate) filters required a lot of set up/take down time and the filter pads cannot really handle more than 1 or 2 23l batches each.) Some call me lazy, but I prefer to think of myself as perpetually seeking a better way. I am always on the hunt for ways to improve processes WITHOUT affecting quality. Today I came to the conclusion that combining the AIOP with a whole house filter (this is not new, many other threads have spread the gospel of this holy union) is bar none the best and quickest way to transfer/degass/filter/bottle wine I have tried. Today I filtered (which included degassing) 2 whites, 2 reds, and 1 DB... well within 90 minutes. This included set up, sanitizing, take down and clean up. When I work on process flow I am sure this could be reduced to 1 hour. I know from previous experience with the AIOP that bottling these 5 carboys will also run me less than 90 minutes. Between Steve's great customer service, the significant time savings, and the reliable results... If you are on the fence, just do it. I am skeptical by nature and I am a satisfied customer.


Ok.. Y'all are making me really jealous. I was going to ask Santa for a AIO, but I don't think I can take it any longer. You have convinced me I can't live without it any longer. I'm jumping in!
Ok.. Y'all are making me really jealous. I was going to ask Santa for a AIO, but I don't think I can take it any longer. You have convinced me I can't live without it any longer. I'm jumping in!

You'll be glad you did. It all boils down to having the right tool for the right job.
Well my fellow winers, I am no longer an AIO virgin, Thanx to vacuumman (that dont sound right ,lol) and his fabulous all in one pump. It arrived yesterday afternoon and came complete with all you need to make our hobbie/ life soooo much easier!!! I also ordered the whole house filter last week but only the filters showed up from amazon 1 day ship so i must now wait to experience the fun of filtering and clearing a batch of chardonnay until later this week or next week. If anyone is in doubt as to buying the AIO , please read these reviews, they arent lying when they say its been a time saver that leaves you wondering what took so long to invest in. And Steves impeccible customer service is by far the best ive ever experienced (Thank you steve, and sorry for bugging you so much on the phone) Aside from the hydrometer,and bottle cleaning /drying tree, this is a must have item. I swear I almost gave this hobbie up because I dreaded degassing and transfering/ carrying heavy carboys, but no more. I racked a 5 gal carboy in under 4 minutes and degassed at the same time, Beautiful pump, Steve !!!! i will quit now but could go on and on, Me so Happy!!!!
It's been almost a year since I bought the allinonewinepump. I've made 13 kits in the last year. I use the pump for racking and bottling and it has made wine making so much easier. The best part is how well it degases the wine. I have been opening wine that I made a year and half to two years ago that still has c02 in it. I have to vacu vin it before I can drink it. I spent a lot more time than the instructions said using a drill and paddle at 75 degrees on these kits. I am opening year old wines that I used the allinone with that have no c02 at all. What a difference.
I found out recently that Steve had an adapter that I could use vacuum racking to my Vadai barrels. Steve is a pleasure to talk to on the phone and he had my adapter out in the mail quickly. I just received it and look forward to using it on my Red Mountain cab as I rack it to barrel this weekend.
Thanks Steve for your service. I'm still a satisfied customer. :h
[Edit: Deleting poor attempt at a joke. Couldn't find how delete post itself.] :c
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I posted this in another thread but I felt it needed to be posted here as well:

I know that it has been said before, but I really put this machine to the test!
Recently I bottled 4 batches of beer...that's 8 cases at a performed without a hiccup...if that wasn't enough, I bottled 14 cases of wine today...yep 14...
At one point, I had to have the Pump running about an hr, it ran without any problems!
Every time that I think that I have put the All In One through the ultimate test, it out performs its self!
When I tell you that I couldn't do this without the All In One, I really mean it, it would have taken so much more time and energy, I just couldn't have done all of that without it, and now that I've grown use to being able to rely on it, I wouldn't do this without it!

Steve, I bow before you my friend!!!
Santa came early!

I tried. I REALLY REALLY tried to wait for Christmas, but I couldn't. I am glad I didn't wait. I love this new toy. Well, in all fairness, it is not a toy. It is a well made, well designed, pumping machine.
The first time i used it, I was racking some wine prior to bottling. I thought I had degassed this before I got the All in One using my drill and a wine whip. Well I got fizz, lots of it. I messaged Steve to see if this was normal and within 3 minutes my phone was ringing on a Friday night. He not only explained what was happening, (yes, I had gas) he stayed on the phone while I finished the racking and gave me some tips on degassing and general operation. You can't buy that kind of customer service anywhere.

When I think of all the money I spent gearing up for this hobby, I could kick myself for not buying it sooner. Thanks Steve! you made my weekend.

This is just pretty. Dragonblood being degassed.

Once again I need to praise the work done by Steve. He makes a great product that has become a work horse in my wine making. In addition if you have any questions, he is right there, ready and willing to help you to get the most out of the allinone.

If mine was to die (not very likely) today,dI'd have another on order before I went to bed.
Pressed a a couple hundred pounds of Zinfandels on Sunday, set the AIO up on the catch bucket because I wanted to try a carboy of free run, worked like a charm not having to try and switch buckets and strainers and what not. Bucket starts getting full flip the switch and relax with a cup of coffee for a few minutes. Definitely a stress free way to press grapes. LOL
If my AIO was to stop, I would be devastated!
The quality and workmanship is second to none in my opinion, not to mention that Steve will do most anything to help solve any issue short of making a house call!
There may be cheaper pumps available, but that's just what they are...cheaper...the AIO has such flawless history, anyone that considers a cheaper pump should read the reviews...the proof is in the results!
I've seriously considered buying a backup unit, I use the hell out of the AIO and really wouldn't want to do as much as I do without it.
You know the old saying..."Lead, Follow, or step aside"....everyone else is just following the AIO.

I agree, it takes a great product and fantastic service to make people rave about a product like we have here. And I have also considered buying a back up unit but really see no need, it's a dependable piece that I am glad I found.
I just wanted to put out a good word for Steve. I just used my all-in-one pump to bottle my second batch of wine and I love it. I was having some difficulties with foaming and when I sent Steve a message he called me almost immediately and got it straightened out. Great product great service. He even called me back a little bit later to make sure that everything was okay.