I started looking at pump setups recently after a little heavier than normal beer-making activity last summer. I had not yet injured my back lifting these 5 and 7 gallon containers, but I didn't want to "wish I had done it earlier" and decided to do something before I hurt myself. I looked at roll-around hydraulic lift carts to continue to do gravity siphoning, do it yourself vacuum pump systems, and the AIO. I decided on the latter largely due to such positive comments as found on this forum.
I received my AIO in early November. I immediately used it to bottle 10 gallons of our local Pinot Noir. Practiced with water first, still took a bit to get the hang of it, but, since my normal bottling partner (i.e. my wife) was sick that night, I was able to bottle and cork fairly easily. So far so good with the new pump.
Today was my second try: racking two 12-gallon batches (local Pinot Noir again and E Washington Syrah). Again, it took a bit to get the hang of it. At one point the carboy I was drawing from emptied and I got lots of bubbling and aeration in the destination carboy. I'm a fairly novice winemaker, but I don't think that much aeration is good for the wine. In any case, I developed the knack of hitting the vacuum release in time so the rest of the process went pretty smoothly.
All in all I am very happy with the pump and, of course, Steve's service. And I won't be waking up as sore tomorrow is I otherwise would. I read someone else's comment a couple pages back about using the pump during pressing to transfer from the catch pan to the carboy. I will definitely have to try that next fall!!