I ordered an AllInOneWinePump from Steve last Monday - 9/14/15 - and it arrived on Friday - 9/18/15. I ordered the beer bottling attachment and three AIO Headspace Eliminators in addition to the Deluxe Pump Package. The only thing I would add if I were ordering again is several more HeadSpace Eliminators. Turns out three is not enough.
Initial thoughts on arrival:
The shipping box came nicely packed and arrived safely via UPS. My initial impression upon opening the box was "wow, that is a lot of parts and hoses". However, about five minutes with the instructions and I had a basic idea where everything went. The wooden box that holds the pump is solid with no loose parts or sharp edges. The painted decal on the front is a nice touch. There seems to be a pattern in today's manufacturing to continue adding features until the product doesn't do anything very well. The AllInOneWinePump does not suffer from this malady. Every part has a place and there are no extra switches, bells, or whistles to confuse the customer. From my perspective, this is a very positive thing.
Overall initial impression: Very Good.
First use:
My weekend was busy, so it was Monday until I got to use my new toy. I had 6 gallons of Winexpert Chocolate Raspberry Port and 13 gallons of Dragon Blood to rack. I started by moving some OxiClean around to clean my carboys and get a feel for the pump. Hooking up the hoses was simple and easy since all of the connections are color coded. I moved five gallons of Oxiclean three times (into three carboys) and then gravity fed the Oxiclean back to the cleaning bucket to make sure my autosiphon was good and clean.
Here is a picture of that activity in progress:
After getting acquainted with the basic functions of racking, I started moving wine around. The splash racking device worked very well for degassing the wine, but I ran into a problem with two of my carboys. I noticed that the bung on the splash racking assembly seemed a little small, but I figured it was deliberate so I kept going. Pretty soon I heard a loud pop and hiss as the bung got sucked down into the carboy. With a little effort, I pulled it out and finished my racking by holding onto the splash racking assembly so it could not be sucked down into the carboy. When I went to the next carboy, the bung fit perfectly - there was no chance it would suck through the opening. That made me curious, so I took a good look at my carboys. Turns out I have three made in Mexico and one made in Italy. The opening on the Italian one is just slightly smaller than the openings on the Mexican ones. All told, I racked the Port once and the Dragon Blood twice (to be sure it was degassed).
Here is my 20 gallon Brute in my fermentation chamber:
The ability to move 110 lbs of wine out of the fermentation chamber without lifting it all at once is invaluable. Now, if I just build myself one of Tom's carts I will really be set!
19 gallons of racked wine:

Bottling Beer:
On Tuesday, I used the beer bottling attachment to bottle 5 gallons of Chocolate Porter.
All Set Up to Bottle:
Nothing makes bottling fun, but this is a lot easier than lifting 5-7 gallons up to waist level or higher so the bottling bucket is above the bottles. With two people the AllInOneWinePump would make bottling fast and simple. It makes it tolerable for one person by eliminating a lot of the repeated moves and heavy lifting. I cleaned and sanitized the overflow bottle, planning on drinking any spillovers. As it turned out, it was a good thing I had a hydrometer sample because I only had a finger's width of spill over from filling 52 bottles:
Incidentally, most of that spillover was foam, since the CO2 in beer makes more foam under vacuum than a still wine does. Overall, I am very happy with this portion of the AllInOneWinePump.
Customer Service:
As many people have reported, Steve's customer service and response times are legendary. I have sent him one email through his website and one PM through WineMakingTalk. Both were late in the evening (after nine P.M.). In both cases, Steve responded with a phone call in less than half an hour. The first time we talked, we got disconnected and Steve called me back. That kind of customer service is rare.
I sent the second message after I had the trouble I mentioned earlier with the small bung on the splash racking assembly. Steve called within a half hour - at about 10:30 at night - to fix the issue. It turns out that I am not the only one with multiple sized openings on various carboys. Since people use everything from one gallon to 6.5 gallon carboys and even ones of the same size may have different openings, Steve sends one #6.5 bung and one #7 bung for racking. My #7 was on my racking cane, so it was a simple fix to move the #7 to the splash racking assembly and store the #6.5 with the racking cane. Steve told me that the #6.5 is for smaller carboys and smaller openings. It seemed obvious after he pointed it out, and my racking would have gone smoother if I had stopped and asked a few questions when I ran into trouble. The answers were all there, I just had to ask.
Overall customer service experience: Excellent.
Final Thoughts: [TL : DR]
Like others have noted, the AllInOneWinePump is a good product. The pump is simple and solid. The extras - beer bottling attachment and AIO Headspace Eliminators - add value to an already quality product. Steve's customer service is excellent. The purchase of an AllInOneWinePump is highly recommended.