Rainfresh Brand Whole House Filter
I have bought the
Rainfresh Brand Whole house water filter. It's the only brand sold around here or up here in Canada as far as I know. I got a small choice of major hardware stores (Peavy's, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware ,Rona (Rona doesn't sell WHF) in this small city, this is all that they sell.
I have the Standard one, not the deluxe one, 27.99 at Canadian Tire - it was 26.99 at Peavy's but they were sold out of the standard.
Filters are 5.99 (all kinds) at Peavy's and 5.99 (5 Micron) and 7.99 (1 Micron) at Canadian Tire. So Peavy's is best buy.
No store had any set of connectors made for this - apparently there are some but they don't have them here (Connector Set CK1 - no store has this - go figure and I'm not sure it's useful for my purpose ) -I had to improvise.
I am working on a smorgasbord of connectors -using plastic tubing - because there are no standard parts for what I am doing. I think it got some leak proof connections going - this does not need to take the pressures of house water pressure so tubing within tubing can be secure. I've done my own house plumbing with PEX and clamping tool.
I worked out system of tubing within different sizes tubing to interconnect and did some clever work cutting tubing slices putting inside the plastic connectors at joins to make the rainfresh connectors airtight ( I bought 2 times 3/4 (screw to tube connectors) for $79 cents each. I'll post some pics later.
I am in the middle of testing it with water before I do my wine (Skeeter Pee and Dragon's Blood both are ready).
The reason I am posting is that I accidentally reversed input and output while testing the water flow. And
Gadzooks when I turned it upside done I realized I had drained all 100 percent of the water from it.
I have prepared a PEX 1/2 inch pipe just about to cut to length - ( I thought up a new method for this cutting different from what others have done here - I'll detail later) but seeing if I simply reverse the outlets , the fluid coming in up the centre and exiting the side it simply drains completely by turning it upside down. I just use it on my table -chair setup , I don't permanently fix to a table leg - actually I bungee cord it to the chair - simple setup - takes no time to set up, so it's easy to turn upside down.
So, did anyone try that? ie reversing the outlets. If the filter is different on the inside from the outside maybe gross filter on the outside and fine on the inside - I should go with the PEX trouble but if not then this way is good.
did anyone open a used filter and see what they look like - are they consistent all the way through and inside surface same as outside surface - the only way I could tell right now would be to destroy my filter.
There is nothing left in the unit after use (with reversal of intake) not even 6 ounces that
dangerdave reported with his setup.
I am assuming the design of the Pentek is the same as the Rainfresh, I've seen the picture of the pipe inserted -the outtake looks the same so the intake hole must be the same - ie inside, on the side.
OK looks like going inside to out on the filter is a bad idea -
Small surface area to large surface area for one thing - all the filtered stuff will be in a small area - not the intended use of the filter and probably not effective.
I got the 1/2 inch PEX rod ready - it fits from the tapered out-take hole to a raised centre notch inside the filter at the far end (where it is closed) which keeps it centered - I just continued to slice down the PEX til it fit exactly - then I cut two notches on either side of the PEX pipe at the far end 1/4 inch deep, 1/4 inch wide with exacto knife.
I think that will be enough - test it tomorrow..
Postscript _ I used a $15 drill pump to pull the water through in my test - works OK - gets the job done .
(Wine --> Rainfresh WHF --> drill pump ---> empty carboy)
( Wine on Table ---> Filter at Table Bottom Height (strapped to chair back) ---> pump on chair seat ---> carboy on floor)
This is just emergency use because I got wine to filter immediately. Later I intend to replace the drill pump with a vacuum pump.