Boyd -
I look back at some last posts and I came up with this one that you left -
I am not knocking vacuum pumps. I have one, and use it on my larger carboys, and for degassing.
As far as contact with air I use a low vacuum to control the speed the wine goes around in the carboy. Takes awhile longer but that is ok. Might try a racking wand in the receiving carboy and see it that makes a difference.
I don't have a vacuum set up for bottling and filtering yet. I filter and bottle with my mini filter. Just put the discharge tube in the bottle and let her rip. Works fine for now. Probably a little slower but I am retired and have the time.
The mini filter loses a little wine so I am going to try a vise grip clamp and a couple of pieces of steel between the clamps. Seems to me the leakage may be caused by the pressure applied by the screw on the outside of the filter may cause the center to bow some.
The vacuum setup is on my wish list along with a lot of other things.
As far as the smaller carboys are concerned I like to lift them. My back is in good shape and I think the exercise might even be good for me as long as I lift properly.
So I take it that you still use the mini jet for filtering ?