Room Temperature where you ferment?

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...One other question: If the ferment does get slowed or stopped by cool temps, is it stuck forever or will it pick right back up as soon as you warm things up? In other words, if I try running a bit cooler am I risking losing an entire batch?

My recent/current experience:
I have 3 gallons of cider going with Red Star Curvee. I'm in a cabin with wood heat only.
I graph my SG readings on the computer. A couple days into the primary, the SG started to level off. The temperature was 65 F. I read what Luc said about yeast going dormant at 68F (I see now the Curvee is supposed to be good down the 58F, but I don't believe it!).
I moved my primary bucket nearer the wood stove and got the temp up to 85F. By the next day, my SG had dropped .02! It continued to drop like a rock. Just raising the temperature of the batch kick-started the yeast. At that temperature, the SG dropped from 1.076 to 1.002 in just 6 days.....