Runningwolf gone wild

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Nov 12, 2005
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I recently got a scoop about Dan (Runningwolf) visiting Julie. They got to drinking again down in the basement and Dan had the bright idea to experiment on Julie's poor dog that she had for avatar. In case you wonder why she changed her avatar, she had to........... She tried to put it in as her avatar, but we wanted to vote and see if you all think it will work or not.

Dan is the first picture then comes her sweet dog and the last one is what Dan changed it into.



OMG, my poor Jesse!!!!! Roflmao, well at least she is not in that bikini he had her in before!
Goodness gracious!! That chi is hideous! I also wanted to say that this is my favorite avatar for Dan as well just didn't know where to say it til I found his thread!

Julie I would crate and hide the dog next time Dan comes by. That thing looks EVIL.
Folks, how soon before you forget who your messing with. Teach your damn dog anything you want. First off I already messed it's brain up. Second of all I got a loyal dog of my own.

Lmao! That looks like one of my dogs!

Im waiting for my favorite pic here!!!!!!!!
Edit: Damn you beat me by 2 seconds!!!
Yep, still my favorite pic!
Found it. This was Sammie two days after we got her. My daughter was not amused.

OMG these pics just keep getting cuter and cuter!! I love those!

Here's mine after a shave...
ImageUploadedByWine Making1393376234.675431.jpg

Just got caught getting into the garbage (coffee grinds)
ImageUploadedByWine Making1393376356.398552.jpg

Daughter's dog hogging hubby's side of the bed...
ImageUploadedByWine Making1393376466.866990.jpg

I calll them Thing 1 & Thing 2 or the meatballs!


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