Sanitize soultion ???

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how many PPM does it take to santize ?

following formula:
grams of metabisulfite to add = ______ppm x 0.00657 x _______gallons of wine, juice or must
Thus, for a 50 ppm addition to 5 gallons of wine, you will add: 50 x 0.00657 x 5 = 1.64 g of metabisulfite.

taken from =

1/4 tsp = 1.6 grams of meta according to my books.

my caculation would be in 3 tablespoon would = 19.2 grams of equal sulfite and citric acid ( to drop down the ph between 3-4 , similiar to wine )

that means you would have 2922 PPM , is that correct ? how much ppm do you need to santize ?

here is another great link explaining it better

thanks steve