Aspirator pumps?
Is it your aspirator I saw on Fine Wines? The red one? I'm thinking of going this route - I've seen a few on ebay. Can you advise on what capacity or what specs I should be looking at? Is it okay to use these for racking wine, given what their previous lives may have entailed?>
Wade,I havent made any wne stuff with the exception of my aspirator vacuum pump that I turned into a wine degasser and racking pump but I have made a few beer making tools. No pics today though as Im in bad shape from picking raspberries for about 3 1/2 hours and now my back and shoulders are feeling it.
Is it your aspirator I saw on Fine Wines? The red one? I'm thinking of going this route - I've seen a few on ebay. Can you advise on what capacity or what specs I should be looking at? Is it okay to use these for racking wine, given what their previous lives may have entailed?>
