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that is awesome!! lucky boy he has you!!:db

believe it or not, if he does turn out to be a very good dog, at some point, you may begin to wonder who truly was luckier, him to have found you, or you to have him come along...i think about it all the time with the one cat i have that wandered into the backroom of the store i work at years ago....with the companionship and affection she has shown throughout the years, it really does make me think that way...i love my is amazing how attached we become to our pets....mine really are family members...makes me wonder how some people can be so cruel to animals sometimes....
Here is Bella, my Giant Schnauzer puppy, at five and a half months.

Bella 6-22-12.JPG
My dog Brutus as a pup. He is 1/2 rot, 1/4 black lab and 1/4 golden retriever.

He loves the cold and to play in the snow
Nice looking dog, does he have some brown running thru him? He looks all black but possibly a gold sheen running thru him, I would think that is the golden retriever in him. He has to be pretty smart with that heritage.
After our cat Sam died this february of cancer, we wanted to get another kitten. Our surviving cat is so friendly and even tempered, we wanted to get something like him. Our vet told us that he was half maine coon, a breed known for being large and also for being good tempered. So we found a breeder and luckily they had just had some kittens. We ended up with a girl, and my daughter named her daisy.


My wife took this one with a bottle of my Black Currant Norton 2011 that I recently bottled. I think I have a spokesmodel.

Finally, a picture of our old boy, named Nonoy:
Nice looking cats and yes, lol, I would say you have a spoke's person. What are the chances of you getting another pic like that!
Not likely, she usually doesn't stay still for that long. My wife must have been bored that afternoon, because along with that picture I found at least 30 more with the same bottle, but the cat is in varying stages of leaving/rolling/backwards/looking the wrong direction/etc.
Most of you know Jesse and if you are my facebook friend you know Jesse's antics. Tomorrow is her birthday, she will be 2 years old. A birthday that I have been very excited to finally come our way with the thought that "2 years old, she is finally growing up!" Well not hardly. For those of you who don't know Jesse, she likes to counter surf and while you may think you have things out of her reach she never ceases to amaze me on how far she can reach. So far she has eaten my salt water taffy my son brought me from Virgina Beach, she has greeted me when I came home from work on the middle of my dining room table, little stub wagging away while I am screaming GET OFF MY TABLE YOU DUMB b!tch! but she never takes offense, she has taken a quart jar of cold pack venison off the island and sat if by her food dish, guess that was a hint! And while I thought this week she was done with counter surfing this week she has eaten half a box of wide mouth canning lids and 1/2 of a hungarian hot pepper, who would have ever thought a dog would like a hot pepper??????

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, baby, no matter what you do I love you, you have brought so much joy into our lives but I'm still gonna yell at ya when you do something wrong.

Jesse and her ball.JPG