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So sorry to hear about your dog Wade. I know how difficult a time this is for you and your family. They are indeed just like another member of the family.
So sorry about your pup Wade, you gave each other a good life!
Looks like he'll make until Friday after all. Must have been all the stuff they doped him up with Sat. morning as this morning when I woke up he was pretty much back to normal. I still have to do this on Friday despite how good he's doing as he could easily break his leg at any time due to the cancer and how far its gone in there. At least Im getting the quality time in though instead of a rush love. He just glommed down his second steak. He had a nice chunk of London broil grilled to perfection and I had a tough pce of venison leg. LOL Maybe some burgs tomorrow for him?
Looks like he'll make until Friday after all. Must have been all the stuff they doped him up with Sat. morning as this morning when I woke up he was pretty much back to normal. I still have to do this on Friday despite how good he's doing as he could easily break his leg at any time due to the cancer and how far its gone in there. At least Im getting the quality time in though instead of a rush love. He just glommed down his second steak. He had a nice chunk of London broil grilled to perfection and I had a tough pce of venison leg. LOL Maybe some burgs tomorrow for him?

LOL, every night Wade, give that baby some happiness
Lets see your pets

Okok so a couple weeks ago i put a glass down to take a picture of my buddy doing something wierd.. I looked down and my dog was doing this so i snapped a quick pic before telling her to get outta my glass.. I recognized it was very similar to your profile pic wolf, thought id share!!

Here's my wife's dog, Cinnamon (10yo), and our big 20 lbs cat, Duke (12yo).


And here's my best buddy, Jet, when I brought him home last winter (2011) at ten pounds, and him today, all grown up at 90 lbs. He still thinks he's a puppy, and loves water in every form!


Okok so a couple weeks ago i put a glass down to take a picture of my buddy doing something wierd.. I looked down and my dog was doing this so i snapped a quick pic before telling her to get outta my glass.. I recognized it was very similar to your profile pic wolf, thought id share!!

View attachment 4026

Lol, cute pic! She thought you were getting a drink for her!
We rescued this mix Saturday from the animal shelter while we were at a car show. Her name is Emmie Lou and she is turning out to be a great little dog, giving our cat the right of way.


My last baby..CoCo She is why I started this new wine making hobby. I have to stay home most times, while the family is off having fun...LOL
Now I'll have something to do.
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Our 2 dogs Sammy and Ginger

Sammy my dog, is a black and tan hound who never leaves my side. I tell him "you protect mommy from snakes, and mommy will protect you from lightening" He know what word "greenhouse" and he leads the way, looking back to make sure I am behind him when I say "I am going to the greenhouse to feed the fish" In turn I cuddle him when we get lightening. Great relationship. We adopted him from the rescue society when he was 6 months old. He thinks I am his mommy! He is now 7 this month.

Ginger is hubby's dog. We found her on the side of the road, 10 pounds underweight, dehydrated, loaded with fleas and ticks and then later found out she was heart worm positive. That was 5 years ago and I thought at the time, every day she is alive is a blessing and she will not worry where her next food or drink of water will come from until she dies.

She never strays from hubby's side and he did not want to keep her because of all her problems. She whines at the door when he goes outside or down to the greenhouse if he does not take her. I have to let her out or remind hubby to take her when he goes outside. She is now 7 and vet thought she was around 2 when we found her. The vet thought she was being bred back to back, the puppies taken away and taught to fight. If we ever win the lottery, Ginger will have breast reduction surgery because her breasts hand way down (she looks like she just had puppies) from being bred so much. Of course we had her fixed immediately.

Sammyk, you said something about "protecting" your dog from lightening from which I glean that your pup is afraid of lightning and storms. We have two dogs (see p. 17 of this thread) and Gina, the older and larger dog is deathly afraid of storms, lightning, fireworks and even rain! She is inconsolable during any of these events and I was wondering if there is something that you are doing to help your Sammy at these times. Gina gets so distraught that her teeth actually chatter, just like in the cartoons. Louie, the little guy, has no fear at all. He just looks at her with his head cocked as if to say, "What is with you?!" If you have any methods that help, I would like to hear them. Thanks.
I sit on the floor with his head in my lap (he is 86 pounds) and just keep petting him and talking soothingly to him and he calms down. Since I work from home, I am always around. He will "sense" the storm before I even know it is going to hit. It amazes me how animals know something is brewing with the weather.

He then tries to get under my computer desk so he knows it is coming. He is my "weather alert" So I push my chair out and sit on the floor.

Ginger is like your other dog and pays no attention to gun shots, fireworks or storms.
Sammy those dogs are adorable!

Sammy & JohnT, if you have a dog that knows when a storm is brewing before it hits, it is usually because of the static electricty in the air. Most dogs that are afraid of elecrical storms is not because of the loud noise it is the static electricty that runs across their bodies. When you are petting him, Sammy, you are taking that static away from him. Put a blanket or a towel on them when a storm comes and continue to talk to confort them so they know they are not alone. I bet once you do this several times, they won't be afraid of any loud noise.
Dangerdave, olusteebus and btom2004, just seen your little darlings, they are awesome, thanks for posting up!
Okok so a couple weeks ago i put a glass down to take a picture of my buddy doing something wierd.. I looked down and my dog was doing this so i snapped a quick pic before telling her to get outta my glass.. I recognized it was very similar to your profile pic wolf, thought id share!!

View attachment 4026

Great picture, I don't know how I missed this. I love this entire thread and the recent pictures are great also. Keep posting everyone!
these are my girlfriend's and my pets....sheba, baby,beanie (a.k.a. the *****), and buddy.... baby was a stray i had to chase out of the backroom where i work years ago, and decided to bring her home if she was still hanging around outside the backdoor when i got out of work...sheba, my girlfriend got sheba from her ex sister in law when a random person just up and threw her....she didn't want her, so my gf took her...beanie was dumped out by her previous owners as a kitten and was found trying to stay warm on my gf's ex mother on law's engine buddy is about 6 months old now, but his story is the most heart wrenching...he was actually found, literally, and i mean literally, in the an estimated 5 weeks old, he and his sister, were found when someone we know stopped to grab a storage rack that had been discarded at the they stopped to look, they noticed a box laying next to it....the box started moving....not knowing what was in the box, they grabbed a stick and cautiously lifted tbe lid if the box...needless to say they were stunned to find 2 tiny puppies just throw out like they were trash...oh, did i mention this was about 2 weeks before xmas???? was during a cold snap we were having here, so needless to say if it weren't for stopping and checking out something in the trash, buddy might have suffered a terrible, chilling death....we love all our animals...(even the *****).....not pictured is my gf's oldest son's parakeet, raspberry....(now if i only knew how to turn these darn pictures the right way)




My 13 year partner in crime support'n his team (he passed away about two weeks ago) and my rescued crawdad.


Thank you Julie for the information. I did not know that. While we have always had dogs, he is the first to be deathly afraid of loud noises.

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