Years ago, we met this really nice lady named Pat. She is a dog breeder and (long story short) we ended up getting Duke from her and have been friends ever since.
Pat is the kind of person that would throw her own body under a truck to save one of her dogs. She lived alone and had not family or husband. All she had were her dogs.
For most of her 80+ years, she bred her own genetic line of English cocker spaniels. Not a very popular or common breed in this country and it ended up (after so many years) impossible for her to find breeding partners for her dogs. Her line of dogs dwindled until she was at the point where she only had 1 female of breeding age, Crystal. Desperate to keep her dog line going, she undertook a futile attempt to try and find a breeding partner.
Three weeks ago she had a heart attack. While recuperating from that, her last breeding female (crystal) had to be spayed due to ovarian tummers.
Pat is doing well considering her health tanked and her dog line is at an end.
To help her out, we are caring for Crystal until Pat is back on her feet. She is adorable and her personality is both timid and happy. She bonded to me in about 10 seconds and nudges up against me the minute I sit down on the couch. I know that we are only watching her for a short time, and I know I will miss her when she is gone..
What is it about dogs? We took in Crystal only last Friday night and already she is my pal? Here is a picture. Take a look. Can your blame me?