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Mama woke here up to take pic , so she wasnt to happy
Two cats (Bear and Orion) who are rescues that have adapted to life as housecats and are doing what they do best. The dog, Tippy, is really the king of our castle


Im a animal person I have always liked animals and they usually tolerate me. So here is my group as of now. Jessie the black German Shepard, Milo the German Shepard/Huskie, and Oracus Monty Python my 13 yo Royal Python. We rescued Jessie and Milo from the local shelter in 2006 when I was stationed in Maryland when they were 6 years old. They were companions and had been together their whole life and we didnt want to split them up. Jessie was put down in Jan 2010 she had lost all control of her legs due to a nerve disease we found 6 months earlier. So now its just Milo and Oracus and us.


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Nice looking pets, Oracus. Sorry to hear Jessie had to be put down but I am sure he/she died happy. You didnt' separate the life long companions.

I have a dog named Jessie but I spell it Jesse. She is a boxer, 6 months old and what a character.
LOL Thats what they all say about the snake. Oh well he keeps the wifes side of the family away
Cool pets there and I like snakes but dont have any. As of yesterday that Momma cat and 2 kittens I saved around Thanksgiving are still here, the Momma cat stays in the basement and gets let outside while the kittens are upstairs and are indoor pets as when we saved them the Momma kind of dissed the kittens once inside, thats why we separated them. But............., Here is Mommas new kittens as of yesterday afternoon!!!!! We will get Momma fixed shortly and would have done so sooner buy didnt have the money at first and then realized it was too late when we did. There are 2 black ones, 1 white and black and 1 tiger striped like Momma.

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I did not let the dust bunny out of his pen, but he is my favorite. As for the snakes, My wife had 9 in the house when I first moved in with her 15 years ago. "Diamond" was an Indian/Bermeise Python that in the finnal days was just shy of 18 FEET long. I no longer like snakes.

Jesus, Forget the snakes. We have two dogs and a cat which are really to much for my wife and I but the kids keep bringing these critters home for one reason or another. The day before yesterday we recieved a "rescue" dog....part sherpard and part huskey. If only the kids would take care of them so my wife and I wouldn't have too!!:slp
Here's Brix.... a Brittany Spaniel
This is the newest addition: Nyah; Huskey and shepard mixed. It was a rescue
This is Charolette, a Chocolate Lab