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As long as she barks first. Only fair to have some sort of warning!
Wherd you find that Wolf, I have no idea where mine went. Somethings are just so unvelievable, you just throw your hands in the air and wait for whats next!
Great lookin critters. Here's the K-nine members of our family
Mica Warren.100 lbs of Airedale He is a real sweetheart.


Sopia Loren Fawn. colored Bouvier Des Flanders a girly girl. A prissy blonde


And Trawlee Wynn. Kerry Blue Terrier the Bi***


We also have three cats that refuse to be photographed
Now this is a great thread! Tooth, what kind of dog is that. Dont all animals own the place??????

I wish I knew. The shelter we saved him from called him a "Corgi mix", which looks about right to me.

My wife had a DNA test done on him at the vet and they said he was shitzu with a bit of Akita. That didn't seem right to me. The vet looked at the results and said, "so... Corgi mix then?" I still think there's someone somewhere with a Shitzu/Akita mix trying to figure out why their DNA results say Corgi and something else. :)
Is that your DAD? It look so much like your avatar.. :)
Too cool Dan, I refer back to Wades dog with the cat. Try as we might there are just things about the animal kingdom we shouldn't and/or ever understand, and to question it, just adds to the already mounting confusion we have as humans!
We have two cats, Nonoy and Sam. Both are boys (neutered), and bring me plenty of offerings of mice and moles, with the occasional bird or small rabbit thrown in. It's hard to tell their size from the pictures, but they are both about 16-18 lbs.


Deb, I am figuring, you should be able to slide them across that floor pretty easily, kinda like cat bowling.! LOL. I have had my share of rabbits and squirells in my house myself! it just never ends. I couldn't imagine having my cats stuck inside. My youngest one always meows at me. I speak cat and she tries to tell me, "if you don't let me outside right now, I will die". I doubt she will die, but when this realization comes to her about going outside at 3 in the morning and she is so insistant, I may kill her!!!!!

A couple weeks ago grandma(cQ) got up and whipped her A$$ but because she didn't want to her her whining anymore, sounded like she was caught in a trap. Unbelievable! Just goes to show, don't mess with Momma, and damn sure don't pss off Grandma.
I won't post pix of the 5 cats, 'cause Grace is my girl.
She's the one who's been stressing over the Unwanted Guest. Here she is reminding the hummingbirds whose house it really is.

Heres a weird combo for ya'll! This was taken at a shelter in Cailf. after the Santa Anna fires, these animals were rescued separetly and when he shelter was to full to keep all the animals divided they started keeping a few animals together and this is what they discovered. A baby Bobcat and a Deer.
Doesn't get much better than that Wade. kind of makes you think about the whole racismn thing us humans insist on continuing!!

Sure makes me forget about the destruction of animals I seen right after the EXXON Valdez oil spill. If it wasn't so close to Christmas, I would tell you about the truckloads of dead animals I seen.

If the animals can get along in some sort of harmony...than surely we can too..and we are the humans!

During this holiday season, let's all take a minute to remeber we all share this existence, human or animal, nobody is asking anyone else to agree with the next guy/gal, but lets all take a minute to remember..we are all in this together, like it or not.!!!

We can make a difference, and if we need to learn that through our animals/pets, than so be it.
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Doesn't get much better than that Wade. kind of makes you think about the whole racismn thing us humans insist on continuing!!

Sure makes me forget about the destruction of animals I seen right after the EXXON Valdez oil spill. If it wasn't so close to Christmas, I would tell you about the truckloads of dead animals I seen.

If the animals can get along in some sort of harmony...than surely we can too..and we are the humans!

During this holiday season, let's all take a minute to remeber we share this existence, nobody is asking anyone else to agree with the next guy/gal, but lets all take a minute to remember..we are all in this together, like it or not.!!!

We can make a difference, and if we need to learn that hrough our animals/pets, than so be it.
Noble sentiment, Troy. :b The difference is that other animals don't have egos.
"If you don't have enough catnip to share, maybe you should keep it in the baggie!"

I used to remember when a "meow was a meow". Think I am going to cancel the "gangster channel" off the sattelite subscription. It's either that or I should hide the remote. LOL

But then again, it IS -25F(-32C), I still reserve the right to fling any and all cats at my discretion!!!

Good thing they don't drink wine, then the fight would be on! At least Ted Nugent would be proud!

More shrimp and cream of mushroom soup for me!

Holy Cat Batman.jpg
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We've been wondering for years what happened to Elvis. Guess the secrets out now! he actually doesn't look bad for his age.

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