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YIKES Troy, those are some nasty claw marks. Those cats are going "cabin queer". At least that's what my mother called it when she'd get stuck in the house for weeks on end during the high winter months.
I just hope they don't kick me out. gettin cold out there now. Got -26F(-32C), gonna see -35F(-37C) tomorrow night!!
Arcticsid: That picture is at our old house, but the new house has similar floors, so there's a whole lot of slidin' going on if they get spooked. At the old house they did stay in all the time, the area was a cat death trap, but at the new house they go outside most of the time, and that's where they hunt. They were both about 7 years old when we moved, so I didn't know how they'd take to the outside, but they had no problems. They have to come in at night, we have coyotes that run through sometimes and kill cats at night.

Recently they have taken to disemboweling their mice and leaving little piles of guts on the porch along with the offering. (Which is a treat to clean up) Maybe they thought I wasn't eating their offerings because I didn't like the guts! Or maybe they thought I preferred the guts!
I never let them see me clean up the guts. i don't want them to be offended. My lil Skittles would cry if she thought I didn't appreciate it. So I always thank her, and as soon as I turn my back, it's in the trash.

Once before work, I didn't even get through a cup of coffee, maybe, MAYBE 45 minutes she brought me two mice and a bird. I have never seen a cat hunt like that.

Me and my cat have issues, but they take care of me, I am trying to teach them to hunt Moose, but it isn't working so well, momma cat wants to bring them in for tea.

Whats a guy gonna do?
Mine is on the left, her name is Bailey she is a Boglen terrier and my daughters is on the right, her name is Molly she is a Boston terrier. My daughter, Megan, might move to Florida next year and I do not have a problem with her moving but I am having a DIFFICULT time letting her take Molly. Boy how do I explain that to her?:slp

Bailey and Molly.jpg you got me sad! Explain to who Molly or your daughter?

We were suppose to share pet pictures not make each other cry!

Please don't let it ever turn into this. I thought they flipped out over catnip shares but I never expected this!



Snapped Cat.jpg
is he hooked on perscription drugs? Does he wear blue suede booties?
Brother Blade, sorry but your dog is on the spotlight!

Consider he is a true "Indian" dog he has probably never even seen a racoon! And I have to wonder, in India, is the dog food made from something other than beef by products?
This is Chloe, my African Grey parrot. She's 3 years old on her way to 50+ years of age. Before I got her I read numerous books that said AGs have the intelligence of a 4 year old child. They were wrong; she has the intelligence and talking ability of a 5 year old!

The first year she didn't talk at all. Beginning around two years she started talking and hasn't stopped since!


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Beautiful bird Fred, I had a rd heded conure a few years ago. it wasn't much of a talker and I didn't speak bird much so I gave it to my then gal friend. Turns out he flew out on Christamas Day. His name was Napolean.

To make a long story short my dad and I couldn't figure out why the dogs were tearing up the house, we finally figured out the darn bird was barking at the dogs when everone was gone!!!!! Of course it drove the dogs nuts,

Great bird man, be sure to keep its wings clipped!! My Mom has a lil cockatiel, "Keno" she is almost 20 yo, once I took her for a "walk", she ended up on the roof of the school. I was like spiderman. I was more worried about my Mom than I was about Keno, but it worked out okay. If I had known her wings weren't clipped i would never have took her that day.

Great looking bird!! Keep it beautiful, she will know!
Thanks OP and arctic.

Her wings are not clipped because it's supposed to be important for their mental health not to. That assumes the bird's mental health is more important than the owner's. I have 4 dogs (no good pictures though) and Chloe can bark just like them and she calls them by name. They got use to being called and now they don't come anymore------either to her or to us!

Thanks OP and arctic.

Her wings are not clipped because it's supposed to be important for their mental health not to. That assumes the bird's mental health is more important than the owner's. I have 4 dogs (no good pictures though) and Chloe can bark just like them and she calls them by name. They got use to being called and now they don't come anymore------either to her or to us!

I feel your pain, man. But you have to admit, in a perverse sort of way, that's kinda funny. Now you just have to teach her to say "Bad dog!" every time she sees them, and that should push them all the way over the edge.
LOL OP, I have seen birds that seemed to control the dogs, Funny sheet there!

My gal friend iI mentioned had a bird that woul tell the dog to "be quiet" when it barked and the dog would hunker down and shut up. Maybe there are things about the animal world we just shouldn't question!
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O. P.,

Believe it or not, she does say "bad dog!" Even "bad, bad, bad dog!" They don't care. They know she's just another bossy female and they ignore her! Maybe the dogs learned that from me! :w

She tells them to "be quite" or to "hush" everytime they start barking, but they keep barking same as when I tell them to "be quite" or to "hush." The problem with 4 dogs is they are a pack and they try to outdo one another to be the alpha male (even though one's a female).

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Don't know why, but it reminds me of a story.
A guy named his wife's new puppy Staye. After a few weeks of hearing, "Come, Staye!", the dog was sent off babbling to the shelter.

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