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Oct 12, 2008
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this is the first year i have tried to make wine like this. i used to bury it in the ground like my grandpa, but wanted a cleaner more successfull way. so this year i first started a batch of peach (not sure of the variety) forgot the wine yeast b/c non came with my kit (i used wine nuetrient) anyway it fermented well, i have racked it for the first time and it has been setting for about 3 weeks, i have a second batch of alberta peaches that is now ready for racking per instructions but i have been reading others in this forum and also watched a tutorial and am not sure if i should be mixing the sediment left at the bottom to degass as others are calling it or if this should be avoided.
Welome, hope you stay and learn with us.

You degass after racking from secondary fermentation. You sould not have sediment just after racking. And if you do it is already stired up.

Edited by: Rocky Top
Welcome Donald, that is the 2nd time I have ever heard of people buying their wine in the ground! Anyway, you do not want to stir up any sediment and want to rack off these lees(sediment) Peach wine is 1 of the toughest wines to clear and stirring it back up will only make it take longer to do so. Degassing is done after the wine is done fermenting and typically after you have added potassium metabisulfite and Potassium sorbate to prevent any refermentation especially if you plan on sweetening this wine. Feel free to ask any questions. Do you have a hydrometer and have you checked the SG's of either of these wines?
thanks for the welcome and information, i just checked the sg and it reads.999 i also tasted the wine for the first time but it does not taste very good it has sort of a sour taste not sweet at all but not really like wine does this mean i have to start over
No, It just needs time. Also, you might want to back sweaten after you stabilize. ( In my taste it just needs time.)
I agree with Rockytop as its way to early to judge a wine. Did you add any acid blend to this at all? most fruit wines in my opinion(IMO) need to be sweetened a little and require at least 6 months from the time they are finished fermenting especially if you do not sweeten it. Sweetening it will make it drinkable faster but if you are a dry wine liker then just stash this batch in a cabinet. Never throw out wine especially this early. Some of my best fruit wines were 1's that tasted horrible when just finished but 1 year later are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks rocky top, i have three total batches of three diff. varieties of peaches all at diiff. stages and they all seem to taste this way with little differances. how do you back sweeten and what does stabilze mean. sorry i should have listened more to the teacher in chemistry class instead of that red head
yes wade i did add acid blend but only per the recipe i got from this site. since the must i have added nothing to eaither batch. in fact i did not know it was ok to taste the wine from time to time. the tutorial i watched was big on keeping everything so clean that i thought i would mess up something i guess
Its a lot harder to screw up wine then we make it sound some times, we just want everyone to practice good sanitation skills. Was this recipe from someone on this site or 1 of the recipes posted on the side near Resources? Either way with time this will most likely be a good wine.
wade the recipe was from the recources side. i will teel you though my biggest problem is that i don't really understand what sg i am looking for at each step i started a pomegrnate must earlier today per a recipe from the same place and i now have an sg 1.115 i don't if and when i need to adjust my must but it looks better than any of the peach batches much cleaner i mean
Peach wines have a lot of pulp and that is what makes it much harder to clear and why it looks like mud. As a beginner you should be shooting for a starting SG of 1.080 - 1.085 as that will produce a nice wine that wont be so hot from a high abv. Most recipes need the sugar and acid to be adjusted as each fruit even from the same store will have different sugar and acid levels depending upon when they were picked. If the fruit is very sweet then it will need less sugar then the same fruit that is not quite ripe and there for will need more sugar. Acid levels for most fruit wines should be .55-.65 and also will need to be checked. As for adjusting sugar, this should always e done before adding your yeast as once you do that it will start to ferment and start lowering your sugar level. Always start a few lbs light of what the recipe calls for and adjust up so you dont have to go buy more ingredients to equal out the equation to balance it all out again. As for acid, you should get an acid test kit and I prefer this kit
<table ="Catalog" id="products" width="100%" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><t><tr><td ="table" width="2%" align="default"><div align="center">217-10 </td>
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Accuvin TA Test Kit - 10 Tests

TA Test Kit includes 10 tests, 10 samplers, and an insert with complete
how-to-run test instructions. The insert also includes a Summary
Interpretation explaining how to use the test results. The label with
the color chart is on the front of the kit.</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$21.99</td></tr></t></table>over this kit myself.
<table ="Catalog" id="products" width="100%" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><t><tr><td ="table" width="2%" align="default"><div align="center">5400 </td>
<td width="5%"><div align="center">
<td width="20%">

Acid Test Kit

with 4 oz. standard sodium hydroxide solution, 0.5 oz. acid indicator
solution (phenolphthalein), calibrated syringe, test tube, and complete
instructions</td></tr></t></table>but either will do the trick.You should adjust before fermentation as this will help the wine ferment much easier and with less stress on the yeast.You can readjust the acid level up or down later but up is much easier then down. That starting sg that you have of 1.115 is pretty high and will require some time to smooth out. Which yeast did you use for this batch as some yeasts have different thresholds for abv tolerences and will stop earlier wuth residual sugar or ferment to dry with a high abv.
dqp, Most would prefer to back sweaten. Just be careful. It is easy too over sweaten peach. you add, it gets better , you addsome more and itgets better, just a little more, Wow too much! . Peach is good at 6 months and even better at a year. When you make a batch try to set a few bottles aside with dates on them say 12 months 18 months and 24 months. That way you can find for yourself the affects of ageing
I start my fruit wine at 1.085 and rack around 1.030 - 1.020 Then when when I get a stable reading of1.000 or lower for three days I rack again and add k-meta and potassium sorbate.I degas for 24hrs.,wait three days and then back sweaten with sugar or corn syrup. It can be hard to go by taste with a young wine. You might try to sweaten to cover a taste that will not be there when the winehas aged. I go by SG 1005- 1010 Some where around SG 1.018 crosses a line for me. At 1.020 I would rather drink straight Rum. ( I have heard of some as sweat as 1.030

Playing around a camp fire one night with friends I learned that some people can chew on tin foil without any affect while I can not ever touch it to my tung without a zing. The sweat wine has the same affect on some people. ( meanda few friends atleast )
thanks for the info rockytop i am starting to feel much better about making wine since i started the forum. i was ready to sell everything and go fishing
i do have a couple questions though.

one: what does it mean to degass, howand when am i to do it.
two:i just finished my last batch of peach (actually two days ago) i just added k-meta and pot. sor. but when i last put in my rubber cork and air lock i pushed the cork in too far when i tried to get it out i pushed it through. now it sits on the bottom of my carboy. is this a problem for the wine or just myself

three:my first batch of peach i did not add k-meta or pot. sor. nor did i top off my carboy.this has been sitting this way for 32 days untouched until yesterday when i tasted it for the first timeas with my other batches. do i ditch this batch and start something else or leave it alone. if it were tasty i would say to hell with it and drink it while thinking about fishing
degassing is removing the CO2 that remains in solution after fermentation. You can degas by stirring the hell out of it and then watching the bubbles that rise out. You need to keep your must temperature in the upper 70's when degassing. You can also use a brake bleeder to remove the excess CO2 from your wine. You want to degas your wine before you are ready to clarify, and definitely before you bottle it.

Check this thread for more info.;KW=degassing

Wade has been most helpful in teaching me how to degas with the brake bleeder.
After fermentation has stopped. You will still have gas (CO2)suspended in the wine. You degas by stiring vigorusly for three minutes at least four time over 24hrs. ( you can buy a stir stick for a drill and degas only twice)

You need to stop air from getting to the wine. The bung can stay at the bottom. You can use another bung if you have one. In a pinch you can use plastic with several rubber bands untill you get another bung. It should let air out and not in. Chances are that when you get the bung out it will be damaged.

And third, You did not degas the first batch so it was somewhat protected. 32 days is a little long but as long as you had an airlock on it it should still be good.

Fishing is what started me drinking. STUPID FISH!!
A brake bleeder is a nice tool but 1st you should get a drill mounted mix stir. Check out the video on the front page under degassing.
<table ="Catalog" id="products" width="100%" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><t><tr><td ="table" width="2%" align="default"><div align="center">4666 </td>
<td width="5%"><div align="center">
<td width="20%">

The Stainless Steel Mix-Stir
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$30.99</td>
<td width="2%">
</td></tr></t></table>As for the rubber bung Most people have had no ill effects form the bung being in there and 1 that said he tasted a little rubber in the wine. You can sanitize a pce. of wire ti fish it out. That first batch will be fine but I would degass it and add meat and sorbate to protect from here on in. That is not that long and like Rockytop said if you havent degassed it yet then there is still lots of C02 absorbed in your wine protecting it.
<t></t>Edited by: wade
wade said:
As for the rubber bung Most people have had no ill effects form the bung being in there and 1 that said he tasted a little rubber in the wine. You can sanitize a pce. of wire ti fish it out. That first batch will be fine but I would degass it and add meat</font> and sorbate to protect from here on in. That is not that long and like Rockytop said if you havent degassed it yet then there is still lots of C02 absorbed in your wine protecting it.

Wade means K-Meta I hope.

Edited by: gaudet
Yes that would be meta although if you want to marinade a steak in there that would be good to!
at first i thought the meat was a bit strange, but i have been paying attention so i caught the meaning in a sec or two

athough i am a sucker for steak

i started my pomegranate today the one that i went by recipe and put too much sugar in. (FROM HERE ON I WILL HOLD SOME OUT UNTIL I CHECK THE SG)but i added some concentrate and got it down as far as 1.111 then ran out of room in my primary so i went ahead with my yeast (lalvin ec-1118) i tasted it and was very suprized at the flavor no mistake that it's pomegranate. i had a good crop this year. and now thanks to all you guys i feel good about this batch. i'm sure i'll be needing more help though.

this is the first time i have been involved in a hobby or such where the others involved are so willing to help. wish i had started this years ago.

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