Peach wines have a lot of pulp and that is what makes it much harder to clear and why it looks like mud. As a beginner you should be shooting for a starting SG of 1.080 - 1.085 as that will produce a nice wine that wont be so hot from a high abv. Most recipes need the sugar and acid to be adjusted as each fruit even from the same store will have different sugar and acid levels depending upon when they were picked. If the fruit is very sweet then it will need less sugar then the same fruit that is not quite ripe and there for will need more sugar. Acid levels for most fruit wines should be .55-.65 and also will need to be checked. As for adjusting sugar, this should always e done before adding your yeast as once you do that it will start to ferment and start lowering your sugar level. Always start a few lbs light of what the recipe calls for and adjust up so you dont have to go buy more ingredients to equal out the equation to balance it all out again. As for acid, you should get an acid test kit and I prefer this kit
<table ="Catalog" id="products" width="100%" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><t><tr><td ="table" width="2%" align="default"><div align="center">
217-10 </td>
<td width="5%"><div align="center">
<td width="20%">
Accuvin TA Test Kit - 10 Tests
TA Test Kit includes 10 tests, 10 samplers, and an insert with complete
how-to-run test instructions. The insert also includes a Summary
Interpretation explaining how to use the test results. The label with
the color chart is on the front of the kit.</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$21.99</td></tr></t></table>over this kit myself.
<table ="Catalog" id="products" width="100%" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><t><tr><td ="table" width="2%" align="default"><div align="center">
5400 </td>
<td width="5%"><div align="center">
<td width="20%">
Acid Test Kit
with 4 oz. standard sodium hydroxide solution, 0.5 oz. acid indicator
solution (phenolphthalein), calibrated syringe, test tube, and complete
instructions</td></tr></t></table>but either will do the trick.You should adjust before fermentation as this will help the wine ferment much easier and with less stress on the yeast.You can readjust the acid level up or down later but up is much easier then down. That starting sg that you have of 1.115 is pretty high and will require some time to smooth out. Which yeast did you use for this batch as some yeasts have different thresholds for abv tolerences and will stop earlier wuth residual sugar or ferment to dry with a high abv.