Spring Has Sprung!

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How about this NW.
This is what spring looked like in the orchardthis morning when we got up.

Edited by: swillologist
The green was right below the well.
If you look in the picture I post yesterday you can see it.

I've had enough trouble with those bunnies this winter. They just about destroyed the nanking cherry bushes. I tried to take a picture of them but it didn't come out very good. You can't see the damage on then. It looks like I am going to have to cut them all back and start over again this spring.Edited by: swillologist
Funny how that happens.

We need a good rain and then things would really green up around here.

If the weather holds up the way they are talking. I should be able to prune next week. But we will see.Edited by: swillologist
Bunnies love those Nanking Cherries....they were working over them and the Currents last fall....so I cut the Currents back and made some cuttings...

I chicken wire around all the new plantings out in the Wine Garden...unfortunately my chicken wire was only 1' tall...but figured they would not trim them down too far.....Then the snow came and covered everything...and...they are still covered as it drifted to about 3+ feet high there....so...will have a surprise when the ice-bergs finally go away.

The Nankings just might come back thicker due to their 'pruning'.
I actually saw a dozen robins on a neighbor's lawn today. They were the first ones I have seen since last fall. Now if we can just get rid of the last 16-18 inches of snow! It made it up to 45 here today. I'm excited!
It hit 64 the other day I live in the city so not much growth here yet. But I hear the birds chirping in the morning and I saw the seagulls migrating back to lake Erie/ ontario the other day
Ho Hummmmmmm just in the mid 70's here. Sunny, warm, everything budding, blooming and leafing out.
It was 1 above zero this morning at 5:00 on the way to work. Went for a 20 mile bike ride this afternoon, a whopping 30* at 4 P.M. I am ready for spring to show up at least a little bit.
It's snowing again , YUK! Last week I did see a bunch of blooming crocus'. I just stood there and smiled at them.
Spring is trying to make it's debut here...despite the remaining snow and ice.

We spent all day outside laying up cement NovaBricks on the front of the garage...My face is totally sun burned...it feels so good.

it was sunny, calm but chilly....could hear the geese and swans looking for open water....The yard birds were singing happy songs.

What would really make it spring is if the snow [ice bergs] were all gone and if only there would be frogs...
It's a beautiful spring day here today. It's about 32 degrees and lightly snowing. We are expected to maybe hit 50 degrees by Thursday. That would be nice. The frogs aren't out yet - well maybe they are, but I can't see them through the foot and a half of snow we have left. I did get a little burn on the face last weekend pruning apples looking up into the sun.
Oh yeah joe we get out of the cold. One of these days it will be miserably hot and humid. That's so much better.
78* under the lights here....wish it was like that outside.

Things are sprouting like crazy...
Eggplant, Tomatoes and Peppers....

The dead flower heads are producing plants from their seeds that were fine as dust when shaken through a wire sieve...
Palace Purple Huechera....[Purple Leaved Coral Bells]

The Echinacea [Purple Cone Flower] are beginning to make true leaves...

And....for the 'Wine Garden'...the Black Current cuttings have had several severe 'hair cuts'...the last time I cut the plants back I made more cuttings with the trimmings..

Life is Good....and...Spring will come.
NW...I don't want to alarm you but I feel I would be amiss if I just kept silent. The Black Currant appear to me have signs of "Needamoresunamus" I can't be 100% sure from the pictures but if you were to ship me 2-3 of them I could make a definite determination and by golly I would not charge you a single penny for my services either