stabilizing my wine, wich ones?

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Mar 29, 2012
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i read about at the end of fermentation and intend to stabilize there are a few chemicals to add,... this is my first wine, a strawberry wine and it is done by now... so...? i have campden tablets, potassium metabisulfite and potassium sorbate,

i planned to bottle in about ten days, so should i add K sorbate and the campden tablets right now and degass?, then in ten days just bottle?
also intend to back sweeten a little bit,..

so confused at this time,


Al, add the pot. sulfite and the sorbate right now, leave it sit a few days then backsweeten to where you want it, then let it sit for a few weeks, if it is clear then bottle.

Your pot. sulfite and campdem tablets are the same thing.
I'm with Dan, slow down. How do you know it is done? Is the wine clear? Has it aged at all?
If your hydrometer reading have been steady after the last three checks I would go ahead and follow Julies' instructions. I would make sure you give it sufficiant time to clear after stabilizing. If you are going to filter you should let it clear first..
sorry for the omission of the process

i begin making this wine in march 04 used enough sugar to 1.075, after 5 days in the primary drops to .995 (checked several times), then i racked 3 times since the begining.
The flavor really improves in this time, a month ago the acidity was very evident and also dry of course, a really good smell of the berries.

I know that it will go better with more time, but two reasons make me precipitate the things: 1) as a new winemaker want to share it with my family and friends 2) unfortunately, my marriage went to a separation 3 weeks ago and she doesn't want the carboy in the apartment for more time.

Yesterday, i make a another racking and the wine it was almost clear, let's say 90 percent,i almost see trough the carboy... so in the moment i was intend to stabilize it...i have all these questions of the additives

So i add it K-Meta ( 1/8 tsp per gal as manufacturer suggested dissolved in a little portion of wine) and Sorbate Sodium (1/2 tsp per gal) add it directly. Give a 5 minutes stir with the intention also of degassing put the bung and the airlock and ready

i checked with a ph strips test and have a something around 3 and 4 of PH

I saved a little bit of the wine, and sweeten it to 1.008 and it tastes very good, specially cold!, i was so excited about this! is it just what i have in mind when i make it initially.

I want to bottle it in a few days, so how i was in the process? what else should add in the bottling day after or before sweeten?

thanks, i really apreciate your comments,
sorry for precipitate the process and be, next time i will be patient

Pd, oh, one more thing, for clearing i intend to use the egg white method, if necesary...
Al_73 said:
any thoughts?

Hey, I think you have two choices 1) take it with you if your moving locally 2) Have somebody babysit your carboy in their basement. It's better to bulk age then to bottle to early. Best of luck
Hey, I think you have two choices 1) take it with you if your moving locally 2) Have somebody babysit your carboy in their basement. It's better to bulk age then to bottle to early. Best of luck

Never mind, she threw it in the toilet.... mmmm :slp

thanks for the advice anyway,.. i"ll make another batch soon away from her

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