sorry for the omission of the process
i begin making this wine in march 04 used enough sugar to 1.075, after 5 days in the primary drops to .995 (checked several times), then i racked 3 times since the begining.
The flavor really improves in this time, a month ago the acidity was very evident and also dry of course, a really good smell of the berries.
I know that it will go better with more time, but two reasons make me precipitate the things: 1) as a new winemaker want to share it with my family and friends 2) unfortunately, my marriage went to a separation 3 weeks ago and she doesn't want the carboy in the apartment for more time.
Yesterday, i make a another racking and the wine it was almost clear, let's say 90 percent,i almost see trough the carboy... so in the moment i was intend to stabilize it...i have all these questions of the additives
So i add it K-Meta ( 1/8 tsp per gal as manufacturer suggested dissolved in a little portion of wine) and Sorbate Sodium (1/2 tsp per gal) add it directly. Give a 5 minutes stir with the intention also of degassing put the bung and the airlock and ready
i checked with a ph strips test and have a something around 3 and 4 of PH
I saved a little bit of the wine, and sweeten it to 1.008 and it tastes very good, specially cold!, i was so excited about this! is it just what i have in mind when i make it initially.
I want to bottle it in a few days, so how i was in the process? what else should add in the bottling day after or before sweeten?
thanks, i really apreciate your comments,
sorry for precipitate the process and be, next time i will be patient
Pd, oh, one more thing, for clearing i intend to use the egg white method, if necesary...