Wow, lot's of good work, lots more to come.....
So no permanent grass? Is that because of the climate and water requirements? Here in the Midwest it seems all the vineyards have permanent grass cover and are mowed. I planted grass and will add much rows about two feet wide under the wire to reduce competition.Re the vineyard floor and weed control.
For this season, I am going with bare dirt - which means I’ve got some serious weeding to finish up. We were about 2/3 of the way through the vineyard before our scheduled East Coast vacation. 15 large black plastic bags so far. boulders are getting moved under the wire as we go.
Next I am planning to pick up the boulders with my to be purchased tractor and run a rock rake through the aisles in an effort to reduce the current rock collection.
Planting any kind of cover crop now isn‘t practical given we won’t have meaningful rain until November or December if we are lucky - and we are heading into the 100+ degree months.
Based on my original soil tests, I need to build up the organic matter in the soil and the nitrogen. I’ll rerun those tests in August or September and will then plant a winter cover crop based on the results the first time real rain is in the forecast. I’ll probably add some compost at that time as well.
Then I need to decide what to do for next spring after the winter cover crop is terminated. Some of my neighbors disc the rows, others mow their cover crops short and let them die off. I don’t know at this point. More research and work to do…
In that case forget the grass. Conserve your water. I would probably go with a seasonal cover crop like you mentioned then mow it down and let it die off during the dry season. I don’t know if they make no-till seeders narrow enough for between the rows but that would be ideal… no tillage required.I have a hard time keeping my lawn alive with a full on sprinkler system. Currently each zone is 45 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week. I will be bumping up to one hour soon.
In Paso Robles, we get essentially no rain from May to November. So it’s all well water to keep grass alive.
We have found some too. my wife has smaller arms than me so she has been reaching inside the tubes to pinch off flower clusters but I’m sure some have escaped detection. We were told to remove the tubes in mid August to let the vines harden off so I guess we’ll remove the rest then.Hmm - someone didn’t get the memo about year one being about root and truck development.
So do I need to open each and every growtube to see if there are grapes inside?
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Mmmmmmm venisonSo in late June and into July we were on vacation on the East Coast - visiting the kids. Vineyard was on automatic watering so I figured things would be fine...
Well, I returned to find that someone was pruning my vines for me ...
I put up a couple of video cameras to see who was responsible....
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What are they feasting on? It only seems fitting!Should I serve Syrah or Zinfandel with that?