JW, does your strawberry look that clear from just racking? How many times? I've only racked once and it's clearing well but not as clear and beautiful as yours!!! That's incredible!!!
WOW that is clear!!!!!!!!!, I have a gallon batch of strawberry still undergoing secondary fermentation (and a third of the 1-gallon carboy is lees/gunk), and it doesn't even look like it could ever get that clear!!!
Kieselsol, which is Negative charge, followed by Chitosan, which is Positive. I believe it is the same clarifier's found in the Super Kleer KC. Very effective combo. Don't think they will need filtered.
Correct JW, those are the same fining agents as 1 packat of SuperKleer
which I believe to be the best on the market myself, it works very fast
and does an outstanding job and you dont have to transfer the lees with
them which makes cleaning the carboy a little easier and less messy.
Kieselsol, which is Negative charge, followed by Chitosan, which is Positive. I believe it is the same clarifier's found in the Super Kleer KC. Very effective combo. Don't think they will need filtered.
I don't know what amounts are in the Super Kleer, I got it in bulk bottles, amounts say 1/3 tsp per gal ofKieselsol wait one day , 1 1/2 tsp Chitosan per gal ( I think without looking at notes) . You can almost watch it work its so fast. Ive never tried it on my scratch wines before, So I'll see if any undesirable effects I suppose.