I suspect its still fermenting very slowly, give it another month, or so, most of mine take 6 to 8 weeks to finish fermenting completely. A give away is if it is still cloudy looking and as you mentioned it tasting yeasty, try and leave it undisturbed for another four to six weeks, if you find you are getting impatient, start a second batch and possibly a third (thats what i do) its important to let wine age, one of the primary skills I think is patience and if needs be planning, when to start future batches, depending on your goal ofc, but, if you drink it before it is fully ready, or, expect too much you may loose interest, there is a learning curve and for me personally the hardest bit is patience, others may disagree, but, I think it is the most important skill you can aquire when making wine, it can also be quite hard to do.