Testing Acid Question

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Senior Member
Feb 9, 2011
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The directions on my acid test kit said to aggitate the sample solution while adding the drops until the color change stays constant. I noticed that if I just gently swirl the sample, the color stays constant earlier. If I pour it from one container to another, it takes more solution for the color change to stay. Which reading should I go with?

Question #2: I noticed my apricot wine has an acid reading of 9% (taking the higher reading by the pouring method) It taste great, IMO. Any downfalls to having a higher acid level than recommented levels if thats the taste I prefer? Thanks.

BTW, these wines are post ferment. I'll be adjusting the acid level pre-ferment from now on. Just got the kit.
There's nothing wrong with a TA of 9 if it tastes good to you. It's low TA that may contribute to bacterial growth.
Do not pour back and forth. When you do that your test sample is picking up O2 and CO2 which will skew the test result. Just swirl gently. A mag stirrer is the best way as it stirs continuously (and gently).